Give me advice *sport*

(my english is bad)i am profesional volleyball player, so nofap is difficult for me not because of “i am scaried of girls, it would be better for me to jerk off on any pornstar behind the screen because i’m shy”. The main problem for me is stress. I participate in some local volleyball tournaments and, sometimes, in my country’s ones. Moreover, I have such events minimum every weekends. Unfortunately, loses happen or my team really struggles to win some games, therefore it extremely harmful for my mental health but somehow i like it. I have some heart diseases, my knee hurts but adrenaline and team spirit inspires me and make me happy. That’s something bigger than just a hobby. Eventually, even than some girls come to me after game and ask me if i would like to date them but i just lie and say them that “i have already a girlfriend”. Girls for me boring because of ■■■■ influence. Personally I prefer masturbate to calm down every Saturday’s/Sunday’s evening(it depends when I had a game). BTW, it makes my masturbating better after i meat a girl, she provides me dating, i reject her and that upgradez my jerking, i feel “alpha”. But again I feel boring having time with girls. So, the question is: Is my bad habit after games caused by pornography? Can I help myself with nofap? I forgot to add that I tried nofap, i survived for 14 days - after the second game → Are there any phsychology tricks to survive nofap with the problem like mine? I really apreciate any responses and advice, hope for a reply))))) And yes, that’s my first day in this app; truly believe it will help me


You need to figure out the exact reason for this. Maybe something to do with abundance mentality. Or your usage of P has made real girls less attractive for you.

And yes, if you were using fap as an escape from reality, doing no fap will definitely give you strength.


thank you for reply, that motivates me to nofap


I think you have Erectile Disfunction :pinching_hand: If you follow nofap seriously then you can get rid of your problems. :+1:

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