Frank talk I would like advice

Guys, I’m going through a very complicated moment in my life, in addition to having ended a relationship (it’s okay that it was short-lived) I’m realizing that my level of focus and willpower has been falling sharply, it’s a tremendous problem to have strength to get out of bed during the week and I already realized that I have a certain emotional need which made me accept this relationship that I dragged on even though I felt unhappy with it. I don’t know much what to do since I have to focus on my life, work and studies


Answer some questions so that I can help-

How long were you in that relationship?
What made you come out of it?
What was your state before it?

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my relationship was quite short in reality and I realized I was being used, but I still dragged it out. many times we put our goals and well-being in the background, and I realize that I did this completely out of need, because we deserve people who will improve our lives


However, some general advice that I can give you are these-

  1. The idea that you have fallen from a certain level and must go back up step by step or very gradually is a myth. The moment you decide you are going to be productive, the moment you decide you are going to work upto your dreams no matter what, the moment you decide to change yourself, you will have changed yourself and would have not just regained yourself but also gotten better.

  2. Break-up mourning ceremony cannot be prioritised over life. No need to mourn or repent or bring to memory the good old/sad moments. What is gone, is gone. No need to chase past. It is an illusion, a Mirage.

  3. Rethink your goals in life. Spend more time with family and ask about the problems at home. While the huge lot of it might get you worried but it will also give you the pinch of reality which we often need when we must come out of the romantic clouds.

  4. Don’t give yourself free time. The more you get busy, the lesser you will think. The lesser you think, the more you will be at peace. Also, pick up some manual tasks, some tasks which need running around or lifting sort of activities. They exhaust you and you tend to think of more refreshing pasttime than thinking.

  5. Engage with friends. This might be the ideal time to call a friend whom you have been thinking to connect with but couldn’t. This might be the perfect time to pay someone a visit. Or plan a trip somewhere even if it be to your cousin’s place.

  6. Think positive about yourself. Think that you are improving each day as the grip of painful memories gets weaker and weaker. Believe that once you are past one week from this day you will already be a free man. Believe that you will ace whatever you are currently up to.

  7. Be kind to yourself. Losing someone, or letting go of a person is not easy. Don’t expect a lot from yourself in these days. Not coming upto your expectations might frustrate you. Start small but remain consistent with those small good activities that you start. Watch some light stuff. I like anime so I watch Naruto. You can similarly go back to your Watch Later list and give it a hit.

  8. Smile. We just got this one life. And you had the chance to experience something that many just read in books. Take the experience and move on. It is your life make it great.


Hmm yes, being used is terrible. But it is still better than being useless.

Thank destiny that those who used you are gone, and now you can give all the good time to yourself. Move on. Don’t give those people a damn. With time they will only be able to look back and regret. Maybe they will try to connect back, then you can have the pleasure of either avenging yourself or simply ignoring them and let them reap the results of their mistakes.

Hope this helps.

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my relationship was quite short in reality and I realized I was being used, but I still dragged it out. many times we put our goals and well-being in the background, and I realize that I did this completely out of need, because we deserve people who will improve our lives


Sorry to interfere but may I know what is your streak - i think that you are in flatline?


Honestly my friend, I’m giving myself a lot to pmo addiction, unfortunately I managed to get an excellent sequence in the previous one, and after trying these things to happen I realized that I got a lot worse


I think you are in flatline that’s why you are feeling like this. God knows best brother.
It will decrease with time if God wills but i don’t the know the exact point sorry😅


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