For students wanting to break procrastination

i found a website which im using currently to stay focused using pomodoro. you can enter this room and study,
i will be there most of the time.
this is not a challenge.
i will give the link to my study room and anyone interested can join/leave anytime

sessions will consist of
50 minutes study
10 minutes gap
Join my Studyverse room :house_with_garden:



i guess this link doesnt work in this app :sweat_smile: otherwise i have used it with couple of my frnds


The app doesn’t supports that kind of interface I guess. If only link address is pasted here, we can copy and paste it in any browser.

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Join my Studyverse room :house_with_garden:
https: //

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It works on Google Chrome or any other browser if you copy-paste the link.

I have joined it. Let me know your study sessions so that we can do it together

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i would start one from
1pm - 3pm
4pm - 7 pm
7:30- 9:30 pm
10:00pm to 2:30 AM

everyone is feel free to join/leave anytime.
but if you want to be consistent you gotta stay.

same timings everyday


You will study 5 hrs continuously ?

Except 10.00 to 2.30 AM , I’ll be there. I’ll be free during morning time too. Do you have any sessions that time ?

I’ll be following this till Tuesday. From Wednesday Onwards classes starts so I’ll join you from 5-7 and 7.30 - 10.30 those days.

On weekends same as mentioned earlier.

Also I am studying online so I’ll be using another site for that. So I guess there would be some kind of notification if anythings pop up like chat etc

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each session consits of 50 minutes. study and 10 minutes break so yeah we will be having 10 mins gap for. each hour


So I am starting today. Will you be joining by that time ?

yeah i have been doing this with my frineds everyday in july. i am regular in that site even if i am alone. so yeah i will be there

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I’ll join you by 1.30 . Didnt have lunch btw.

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Join my Studyverse room :house_with_garden:
https: //


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