Current streak - 2 days!
Highest streak - 14 days
Age -14
Gender - M
Location - US
Why I want to create a group - I’ve created a lot of groups before and I enjoy getting to know them!! Most of the people on this forum know that I’m only 14 which is where I got the idea… I want to meet some younger people that are closer to my age so that we can relate more! Because most people my age are still going through puberty and hormones are raging fire and we’re all just trying to figure out what the hell is going on! So I want to create a group of anyone 18 and younger that is on NoFap to share experiences with and to suggest ideas and interests and whatnot… I just want to create a group of young people so we can all relate to eachother pretty much!!
Hey man, I’m 17 and would like to join up with y’all
Recently joined this forum and I’m on a 2 day streak but I’ve been practicing NoFap since the first of September
Alright cool I was just curious because I met a 14 year old christian named ryan whos also on NoFap and I thought you could be him. Just a huge coincidence I guess lol