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How to Fight with ■■■■ addiction

Get a journal and write down where you want to be in 1 year and where you want to be in 3 years. Find podcasts on Spotify to listen to regarding ■■■■ rebooting and addiction and listen to those in the morning while you take a walk outside first thing, to make sure you don’t relapse in the morning. Come back and take a cold shower so you have no urge to get back into bed and relapse. Sit down and journal about how you want your day to go, what your urges were like, what you did you stop from relapsing, and what you learned from it. Put those new techniques you learned into practice.

Fill your day with classes, activities, sports, exercise, clubs, etc. if you’re alittle socially awkward like I was at your age, sign up for these clubs and go. You’ll make friends and there is a reason for you to be there rather than just hoping you randomly meet people. It’ll be subtle, but as your brain rewires and starts to understand that ■■■■ isn’t going to be there anymore to replace real life dopamine producing activities, you’ll find more and more motivation to get out there and be your best self.

Download headspace or waking up app or another meditation app and work through it. The effects will be subtle, but you’ll soon find yourself able to see these fantasies and urges for what they are -thoughts- and be more equipped to simply dismiss them and move on with your day. Meditation helped me tremendously overcome the mental aspect of addiction (it’s important not to fantasize mentally in place of ■■■■ as that is still not real life).

Know your triggers. Whenever you sense a trigger, journal about it, journal how to prevent it, journal what brought it on, meditate on it. Learn to recognize them and come up with coping mechanisms.

Don’t allow your brain to trick you into relapsing. Don’t think oh I’ll just get on social media and look at hot girls, I’ll just read literotica, I’ll just edge once I can stop myself, I feeling down I’ll just glance at ■■■■ but not masturbate, I’m too bummed out to put up a fight against this trigger, oh no I’m in flatline I better check to see if my dick still works, etc. These all start cascades of triggers and emotional events that lead to a relapse. That 5 minutes of satisfaction is simply not worth it. Quitting ■■■■ is giving up one thing for everything (sense of purpose, motivation, meaningful relationships, etc.). Giving up on quitting ■■■■ is giving up everything for this one degenerate thing.

Lastly, you’re young. I got hooked on ■■■■ since the time high speed Internet became available. I was just recently able to stop. I went about a decade of what should’ve been my prime years just laying in bed watching ■■■■. After quitting I’ve found a meaningful relationship and advanced to a new career and will hopefully soon have my first child on the way. Don’t be like me. Going off to college is a prime time to quit, you’ll have so much stimulus to occupy your time that you should always be able to get out of your dorm/house and do something when the urges start. In 3 years you can be on the road to graduating while in a meaningful relationship ready to conquer the world, or you can drop out and watch ■■■■ like I did. Don’t be me.

EDIT: one last thing. It wouldn’t be a terrible idea to consider join your states national guard. You won’t be PMOing in boot camp, that’s for sure. It’ll help pay for (if not completely pay for) college, you’ll get into shape which can translate into a long term fitness plan, find a sense of purpose, break out of your shell, gain confidence, etc. In my opinion, long term ■■■■ addiction is serious enough and life altering enough to warrant such a drastic measure.

■■■■ and Woman abuse in ■■■■ industry

There is severe abuse in the ■■■■ industry.

It starts with women being referred to as “wh_res” and “sl_ts”, them getting their “dirty” “c_nt destroyed” etc. in many ■■■■ titles. They’re no longer considered human, they’re just bits of flesh.

There is massive abuse, mentally and physically, in the ■■■■ industry. There are scenes actors did not agree on, but are coerced or forced to do - else they won’t get their pay. There are actors using drugs to be able to cope. There’s massive trauma and suicide. In some cases there’s also human trafficking and underage girls and boys…

I am aware that there are a couple of producers who try to transport a different image and keep their actors safe and comfortable - however, this is still a minority. Most content on ■■■■ sites is based around certain expectations.

Here are few links, I deliberately tried to choose progressive, usually rather sex-positive media outlets instead of conservative ones or no-fap activists:■■■■-stars-abuse/


Regarding 2 and 3: I do believe that, for some people, it does shift their belief on what sex must be like and what the (subordinate) partner must enjoy or consider “normal”: Positions which look ■■■■ for the camera, but actually don’t feel nice. Deep throating and gagging on a penis and swallowing semen. Performing ■■■■ without lube. Switching from ■■■■ to vaginal or oral penetration without washing the penis inbetween. Getting choked, slapped, spat on, having their hair pulled… And those are the rather “harmless” ones. Beauty ideals might be shifted, too. Most ■■■■ stars’ genitals are pristinely waxed, their labia, breasts and penisses are flawless, their buttholes bleached and hairless…

I actually knew a guy whose knowledge about what he considered good sex came from him watching and masturbating to ■■■■ at least four times a day. He did have a very active real life sexuality, too - picking up one night stands everywhere he went, him being lucky to look so innocent and handsome. But he was no longer able to climax with them and needed his one special stimulus to get off…

How ■■■■ affects Your Brain?

Because it makes you dumb and placid.

Neuroplasticity: The brain has the ability to change its structure and function in response to experiences, including exposure to pornography. Some studies suggest that frequent and intense pornography consumption may lead to neuroplastic changes in the brain’s reward circuitry, potentially resulting in desensitization and a need for more extreme stimuli to experience the same level of arousal.

Dopamine Release: Pornography can trigger the release of dopamine, a neurotransmitter associated with pleasure and reward. It is argued that repeated exposure to high levels of dopamine may lead to tolerance, requiring individuals to seek more explicit or novel content to achieve the same level of arousal.

Addiction-like Patterns: Some researchers propose that excessive pornography consumption may lead to patterns similar to behavioral addictions, where individuals exhibit compulsive behaviors, impaired impulse control, and difficulties in regulating their use.

Relationship and Sexual Satisfaction: There is evidence to suggest that heavy pornography use may be associated with negative effects on relationship satisfaction, intimacy, and sexual functioning.

WHY ■■■■ is harmful?
There’s many reasons ■■■■ is considered harmful.

  • The industry, while better regulated now, still very exploitative, especially if you aren’t with one of the bigger production companies. Sex trafficking for filming ■■■■ is still going strong.

  • ■■■■, like most things, can be addictive. There’s a lot of data that suggests ■■■■ is responsible for a new wave of younger men who have erectile disfunctions, who shouldn’t at their age.

  • Our brains associate ■■■■ with the good chemicals since they get released when we orgasm. But just like watching the same tv show over and over, our brains get accustomed to the ■■■■ we watch, and what used to work before now only gives you a little bit of pleasure, so you start looking for more hardcore stuff to get that same feeling. This causes issues in the bedroom where what now turns you on isn’t compatible with your partner.

  • Obviously religious groups think that sex in general is amoral unless it’s to procreate

  • It can set unrealistic expectations, especially if you’re younger, unexperienced and impressionable. It’s like children watching cartoons, you need to ensure they differentiate reality from the cartoon. A lot of men believe the formula of bjs, sex and ■■■ on her face is standard, when the truth is it wildly varies from person to person.

None of these things are absolutes. There’s parts of the industry that follow the rules, treat their actors with respect. There’s many people who masturbate daily to ■■■■ and are unaffected by it. There’s people who can watch the same thing over and over and enjoy it and of course there’s kinks for everyone and unrealistic expectations may be very realistic depending on the crowds you hand out with. Take it all with a grain of salt, just be aware of these things

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bro your post contents so many triggering content, please EDIT it OR REMOVE it ASAP


Agree. Remove the pic.

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