Final road towards Freedom🌌

This is my final journey and I will leave the forum permanently on 31/12/2025. Before I go, I will make an lasting impression through this journal.

The goals below are to be completed before 31/12/2025. At the journey end, I will also post my body progress and if these habits changed me.

:white_check_mark: [TO-DO] :x: [TO ELIMINATE]
7 H sleep PMO
Making up bed Nail biting
Gym [Mon-Fri] Processed meats & broiler chicken
Swimming [Saturday morning] Junk foods & sugar
Cycling [Sunday morning] Money spendings
Belly fat Laziness & procastination
3 L water Social media
Pray Video games [Only mini militia with friends]
15 M meditation
Skincare, grooming & taking care of health
Anime/manga/movie/drawing when free

The main aim of writing this journal is for myself. In future if I ever came across RC Forum, I can see my online journal here and also share to people if needed.

That’s all :slightly_smiling_face:


I will mark with these in the following:

Tasks done: :white_check_mark:
Tasks not done: :x:

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Woohoo , new diary , more enthusiasm and a fresh journey ! :fire: All the very best bhai :people_hugging:


Best of luck brother, progress take place outside the comfort zone.

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@Sholt_Tenkerrot @Covertxomic1 I will do my best to achieve this things. I am sure i will fail many times bcoz habiting these will take a lot of time.
I have lots of procastination and all but i will achieve this max before the deadline.


Dream body

This is the dream body I am aiming for. I prefer aesthetic body more than bodybuilding.
But I won’t be using protein powder. Only eggs, homemade foods & water.
I need good amounts of protein and trainers have told me to use it but still I won’t.

BODY PROGRESS :man_lifting_weights:

Section where gym progress and body progress is stored.