FAQs and Tips for NoFap lifestyle

I am creating this topic so that everyone will be able to get most of their answers in a single topic.
Most answers will be obvious.I just don’t want to search from Internet. (Remember PMO is healthy according to the google).

This topic will have some tips which you should follow daily and Some questions regarding nofap lifestyle.
Everyone can contribute in this. I will add your question and answer in this post
I am Starting with some question I want to ask

Tips :-
1. Drink 9 glasses of water daily
2. Always use cold water for bathing ( In winters too)


Q. Should I take 30 mins nap in afternoon?

Q.What type of foods are strictly not allowed?

Q.What foods are allowed in limitations (like once a week)?

Q. Is peeking count as relapse?
A. Yes, It counts as a relapse and make sure you don’t ejaculate in regret.

Please post your tips and Your question below . And try to answer the above questions.

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I have the addiction to peek I have never relapsed in my life

I have the addiction to peek I have never
relapsed in my life

Just kidding

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Lmao , (filling space)