A non-user 4ever. Lord is my strength
Love ur God. Hate ur sin, only way to freedom
A non-user 4ever. Lord is my strength
Love ur God. Hate ur sin, only way to freedom
First time opening a topic/Dairy
Currently at almost 13 days
All the best for your journey ahead brother!
Thanks bro. Appreciate
Am a business man so😅
Routine:- Morning:-
Woke up:- 7 am.
Opened Shop:- 7 to 8:30am.
Sold some market:- 9 to 12pm.
Went to market:- 12pm to 1pm
Did some pending work, Calculate sales, Rest.
Push up Done:- 10.
Urge came but I always remember am a non-user-4ever No benefit in it (P**n).
Woah man, what’s your business about?
food stuff, buying and selling. From nigeria😏
Nice man, give us treat someday .
Yea:sweat_smile:. U will come down to Nigeria
Ofcourse mate , just send me the tickets
Ok🧐 I will
Completing half month today. Feeling strong headache since morning
Today I kind of feel tired , When the urge comes, always tell myself am a non-user, always remember what I really need. LORD is my strength
Day 16/18❤️🔥
Also experiencing headache since morning
I would drink some Green Tea with ginseng and honey. It helps calm the the nerves in your brain.
Can I find Green tea in Nigeria? Never seen it be4
Do you have a dollar tree store?
Try Teas.Ng they might have it.
OK. Thanks brother, appreciate