I’ve started the no PMO journey by the end of December 2020. Since then, I have completely abandoned this evil habit. I’m currently on day 148, and a I have a really strong mindset, which is stronger than the urges. The benefits are amazing, (TRIGGER ALERT) in a way that for the first time in my life, on day 15, I had real sex with a real girl. (END OF TRIGGER ALERT)
But something strange has started to happen recently: on April I had my first wet dream. I was actually ok with that, but on May, I had three wet dreams. As this is starting to bother me, I worried that it is not normal. What are your thoughts on that?
By the way, I’d like to say that I tend no to consider real sex and wet dreams as relapses.
(As English isn’t my mother language, I would like to apologize for the grammar and vocabulary mistakes)
Wet dreams and real sex is not at all a problem. It’s natural. But yeah I’m assuming that you have really quit porn and masterbation in that case it’s absolutely ok to have wet dreams and real sex was never a problem it’s healthy. No matter what anyone else says but trust me sex is healthy, the problem is porn and if you have quit that then you are already better than anyone else here bro
Thanks for your words my friend. Well, I do think that I’m in the right path to quit PMO. I’m in my first streak, already in 148 days. But I know that I have to be always careful, otherwise I’m going to fail. I’m not better than anyone! In fact, I know how this adiction made me a loser, so that’s why I decided to change!