Extremely emotional

I Have Intense Emotions Towards Certain Kinds Of Girls I Like, I Want To Enter Their Deepest Mental Part And I Feel I Have Enough Energy To Do So The In The Right Way
This Fact Scares Me So Much, The Same Girls I Used To Sexualise And With Which I Was Treating Badly When We Met, Now I Feel Deeply Connected With Them On An Emotional Level… Does This Have Something To Do With The Fact That I Have Been Withdrawn For A Lot Of Time With Mastu*B**Ion?


Maybe it’s your sexual drive, maybe it’s your emotional intimacy/connection with them, maybe it’s both/mixed—who knows. If you have sex with them, a scientific approach would be to see/feel how you feel towards them after you ejaculate.

If you still feel emotional connection with them after you ejaculate in sex, then maybe your emotional connection to them has nothing/little to do with your (sex drive) withdrawn from masturbation. If you don’t feel emotional connection towards them after you ejaculate in sex, then maybe your emotional connection towards them was because of your (sex drive) withdrawal from masturbation.

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And also another “issue” which presents itself to me it’s that when I’m on a long streak of Semen retention, I get concrete opportunities to have sex, which when I’m fapping, I rarely do. How can I explain ths?

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The only person you should be fapping is to your girl nobody else. You see, the reason you are like this are those exotic videos pushing all of us to be on that in. But what if you have a girlfriend.

Sex should be you and the person you love, not an online fake figure, model, or actress.

All you gotta do when your emotional is simple. Sit on a room alone and hear from 5-20 minutes of motivational speech. Your life will change completely.

You may like a girl fine go talk to her. She might reject you doesn’t matter keep on trying. If your too afraid then keep on with your life. You don’t need a girl to live forever in your life you need yourself.

I’m a 19 year old virgin and single man, who has been single for so long in real life and never had a real woman. Do I get depressed when someone looks down on me and tells me that I am a nobody when I have nobody to pick me up, Yeah, but that doesn’t mean I’m alone, I have a family that I love and just like that I fight each day on my own way as problems go my way. I never give up.

Only fap to your girl and relax that will count as a relapse, but you will be more attracted to her than other girls. Yes you might fap more or be attracted to other girls. However once you see how much you go through, chances are you’ll only fap to her and no one else. You’ll live a healthy sex life without online girls and exotic videos to amaze you. Cause that’s how everyone lives, got married and so. They might watch those videos, but they don’t fap regularly like we do and it doesn’t affect them.

Keep fighting soldier you got this. Relax my man felt the same way, took 3 months quit getting back to an old stupid habit with no move on finding my away out. You’ll find it too.

I always thanks my monster, redbull, etc energy drinks. Their own energy made me so full into that experience that when I realize it, that same happiness got me out of fap when I first cough at an exotic picture. I always thanks them for my move on to lose weight, the energy I get, the vitamins that help me when I’m sick, somehow makes me more sleepy instead of awake LOL. And so on.

You’ll find a way out. Like I did, you’ll find it, took me about 7 years to find it. After fapping everyday nonestop. So don’t worry my friend. Get motivated to stop this and be happy. Everytime I see it I cough and feel weird about it haven’t had those hard big enough urges anymore.

Keep fighting soldier, the war hasn’t ended yet.

Good luck.

Bonus: You can count the fap to your girl as a relapse or not. Depending on your way you choose.


I also have, it’s our own boddies needing of someone. When we don’t have nobody to have fun with we go to a phase of fap. So that’s why we are like this. Sex it’s alright by itself and will get all those urges from real women away from your mind for a while.

Those people who have achieved 1 year without fap are living the dream. They totally will fap, but to who their wife’s only. Not a stupid character or media attractor who wants you for nothing.

Because we crave and want sex and more sex. It’s from the same no-fap that you do. That will decrease from time to time.


exercise. Make sure to exhaust yourself. Your emotions will get less intense if aren’t vanished completely.

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God mode on :fire:, let’s goo

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Again, could be because of many factors. Hard to tell without knowing the details. Could be because when you’re on semen retention, you’re sexually hungry and women feel your genuine sexual desire and find it attractive and want to feed (metaphorically speaking) you. Maybe it’s because when you feel attracted to women, women feel attracted to you. Maybe your attraction/desire towards them turned them on. But again, it could be because of other things too.

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You know man, my vision is quite similar to what your wrote in here.
Don’t take me for a fanatic, but I think , the fact that I can be more sure of myself and therefore I’m more proactive in socializing, I’m really learning to understand how women think, what they want from a man and what they don’t want.:pray:t2:. This is what I’m experiencing, nothing else .

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