Been PMO since the age of 13. And my porn habits are aimed at only one thing finding the next hottest pornstar, it was never finding the next extreme stuffs or any kinky stuff as you get plateaued with regular stuff.Now age 29 I have been experiencing severe ED. When it started, I could get an erection only through physical stimulation, oral or hand and could sustain it throughout sex. And this slowly progressed to losing erection even while stimulating physically, the stimulation had to be fast and if it was slow, I would lose it. And as it progressed, once I lost it during sex. Now I could not get an erection even with hand stimulation while standing without watching porn. But if I watch porn lying on bed(the regular position) I could get erection with my hand stimulation but once I stop, I would lose it in few secs. And I have been having sleeping problems where I have slept under 6hrs for over a year if not consistently. And I started noticing my erection problems, I also noticed that my Morning wood was also gone.
And ever since I have jus felt numb. No libido, no urge, no random erections even with a girls touch and the refractory period got so worse like more than a day unless I was taking a pill. As I was frustrated with my last partner, I took pills twice, and both the times I could get erections rock hard even without any stimulation jus by kissing. And I had the longest penetrative sex 20-30mins,otherwise my timing has been 5-10mins during struggling days.
So when I couldn’t get hard even with my hand stimulation. It hit me hard. I am not sure if I have physical or psychological or PIED. I have started no-pmo on march 8. It’s been 28days. I have had no erections or change in libido since then. I had morning erections but weak ones like 50%. I am little scared that if the damage has been done permanently. I checked even with an urologist, he jus shrugged it off even after physically checking , saying that there is nothing wrong as I was physically fit,don’t smoke or drink.
Jus help me out guys! Is it PIED? How long is it going to take to get out of this rut? Will the refractory period be reset? Will the getting and sustaing erection get restored? And ejaculation duration prolonged even without pills? Like how it used to be in teens or the recovery won’t be 100% ?