Does porn cause homosexuality?

@Alastair @debellator @Mahesh27_03
I thought I’d make a discussion topic instead of invading a memes topic with science stuff


yes , it does make you homo,
that’s why American have so many homo sexual people, cause they started doing everything at such young age,
and with the time they get bored doing normal stuff, so to explore more they go further than normal sex,


Yes it does. Stroking a penis while sexual aroused is a homosexual act because you associate feeling a penis with sexual pleasure. Technically pmo is bisexual act but mostly homosexual.

Alao when you watch porn you not only see women but also men and their penises. Men should turn you off but you end up being turned on, so you associate the man body with pleasure on top of feeling your penis.

A very easy thing to consider is that stroking your penis is not different than sucking your penis but we know most people will consoder 0enis sucking gay.


It potentially can, when we’re turned on and watching the video, then we also see the men performing, we might get confused and perhaps think to ourselves “Did I get turned on by a man?”

Combined with the normalization of society that they claim homosexual is ok, viewers may start to engage more in this act, sometimes it’s just a bunch of factors that can cause homosexuality, and as I said before, it’s impossible that it’s genetics. We are also like mammals, I mean, have you ever seen a gay lion? I don’t think so. Animals all have this urge to pass on their genes.

Going back to the question, porn is just one of the factors that causes homosexuality.


Yes it does.
I’m not experienced in any of what the others say, I’ve never seen nudity, but I’m sure that from scientific studies I’ve read, as I mentioned in the meme thread, even identical twins had different orientations, and therefore I believe it’s independent of genetic makeup.


No it doesn’t, at least in my experience. Been watching porn for like 15 years now and I’ve seen gay porn and bisexual porn to see if I’d like it and I hated it. By hate I mean I wanted very badly to be watching something else the entire time which was a pretty clear answer.


Yes. Totally. And also a masturbator (guy) will not hate it when a guy will stroke his penis. :sweat_smile: I encountered this shit with a gay. He tried to sexually abuse me. I liked it for a second. But just after few seconds I ran away. Also in india the proportion of homosexual is very less. I know there are but in comparison to America they are very less. The environment and culture plays a important role also. Like now you encounter many homosexual people in the metro cities if india. It is because they think it’s COOL to be a homosexual.

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From what I’ve learned from reading books and research papers, homosexuality is by birth, but it is not entirely genetic. A fetus’ brain is oriented by the amount of hormones it gets during pregnancy. I won’t go into specifics, but it has been proven that gay men have significantly smaller regions in the hypothalamus, similar to women. This has been observed by Simon LeVay, a renowned neuroscientist. The environment and social upbringing does factor in, in the expression of the character only. Here are some facts discovered by research that back it up:

  1. Animals in the wild, especially primates-chimpanzees and bonobos exhibit homosexual tendencies. They have evolved to be attracted to the same sex as well, but only in pleasurable social and living environments. Have you seen male chimpanzees checking each other for lice? Sex isn’t just about reproduction for us, but also about feeling good.The animals felt good in the company of the same sex too, because they understand each other better, i guess. This doesn’t mean two male bonobos hung out for a while and they started liking each other, but it happened over millions of years, the trait passed on and the animals evolved to have multiple orientations.
  2. There has been homosexual people for centuries , for example, in Ancient Greece, where homosexual people were treated with respect and admiration.
  3. Also, we can’t change a person’s orientation. You can’t turn a gay person straight or back. This has been explicitly proven by science. It’s not-so-called changeable.

Hey, the reason I’m making this post is because people are homophobic because they are seriously misinformed. I used to hate gay people too when I was young, because I thought they chose to be that way and were a result of perversion. Going on NoFap, I read a shit ton, educated myself and realise how wrong and off from truth I was. They don’t chose to be that way. Do you chose to be left-handed? Science tells us it is so. The exact root reason for orientation is unclear, but one thing is sure- It is NOT an induceable condition. It is not induced by media. It’s the same as getting blue eyes, red hair or being left handed ie it’s a normal trait, any of us may have. It’s on a spectrum though, over a broad range of sexualities. So if you were drawn to gay porn for some reason, it doesn’t mean that you’re gay or porn is making you gay, it’s just your brain needing more novel and weirder stuff, stuff you’re not used to, to get excited. This is the same reason some people go behind alien, monster stuff and weirder, hardcore bullshit in the later stages.

Choose whatever reason you want to hate porn, but don’t believe wrong things for that. This mentality just broods hatred for gay people. I don’t care about being politically correct, but being scientifically correct. If the truth was that people become gay due to their immorality, I’d have stayed away from such people too.

Religion is completely wrong in the way it treats gay people. After all, it used to think that the Earth was flat and Sun revolved around the Earth and who knows what. Stop treating this like a condition, or a disease that you might get. It isn’t.

Believe in yourself and keep pushing, but with the right reasons, with care and love for others.

My sources:

  1. “Why Men Don’t listen and Women Can’t read maps” -Barbara and Allan Pease.
  2. “Gay, Straight and Reason Why”-Simon LeVay
  3. “The Biology of Homosexuality.”- Jacques Balthazart.

That is so sickening. That was pure sexual abuse and this is different we’re talking about. That guy was a fucking pervert

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It may be independent of genetic make up, but the fetal conditions during pregnancy play a bigger role. That is actually different for different fetuses. i.e the nutrition and hormones you get from your mother, by chance, and also the hormones your own body produces while in the womb. That is how male and female fetuses have different genitalia from birth, you see. The hormones decide how our brain is formed, and the reason we feel attraction is also due to hormones

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Read my post. Also, I don’t know of gay lions, but gay giraffes have been observed, but I do know of gay chimpanzees and bonobos (advanced mammals i.e primates). They are often bisexual and studies prove they enjoy male company more than females. Sex is not just about reproduction for these animals, it is also about feeling of pleasure and socialising, much like for humans.

Edit: dude literally the first picture that comes up when i searched up homosexuality in animals is a picture of two male lions hanging out. So, point made.

The mazhab you are talking about I guess. My dharma does not teach that.

Parents in india encourage kids to be right handed! Do you know why? They have a upper hand in this world from ancient times. From wars to this modern world. A left handed man has more chances of death than a right handed in a war. A left handed person can go right handed with practise. Hope u know that?

I think you are not correct in this. Science is still learning. And as you know a gay is a gay because of those hormones released right? So can’t we induce or inhibit those hormones in future. I truly believe that we will develop such mechanism.

Bhai… I read so many contradicting research in this field. There is so much that we still know.

And atl last I believe that God gave us semen for reproduction. There is no point in ejaculating in the same sex. I don’t believe in casual sex so I won’t support the gays and lesbians relationship.
Yes I am a homophobic. I believe that I won’t interfere in their issues. It’s OK for me till its not in my family.


I think it can. I also think some people are just born that way. Like how some kids say they knew since childhood that they liked boys or liked girly stuff. But porn can definitely change a straight man’s taste. The need for a bigger “hit” or rush of Dopamine makes a man look at more and more shocking material. Even things they previously weren’t attracted to become a sort of way to get that intense euphoria. So while he might not be gay or bisexual pornography addiction influenced him to look for more shocking and taboo things. That’s only for some people though. Not all porn addicts will become gay or bisexual, but I think it can happen.


It can happen, only if you were already in the spectrum. They just discover their sexuality in that case. My post was about how people need to change their perception on gay people. The post above yours is a perfect example of the level of misinformation that exists.

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Ok. I respect your views, though I don’t think they are right. Agree to disagree.

Lion do gay sex all the time…

I agree 100% with you at that topic

I disagree. I think it has more to do with desensitisation. You can only get a certain high from content closer to your norm. Once you start straying to more taboo things that were never really your taste to begin with then you experience the euphoric feelings that come from shock and surprise. If a straight man never having looked at pornography looked at another man he’d never even question his sexuality. Now put that same straight man but make his upbringing one of a world of pornography addiction. He becomes desensitized to his normal sexual tastes, he starts looking for more shocking material until one day he’s so desensitized to even the newer taboo material he stumbles upon a tranny video and his brain shoots off crazy amounts of Dopamine because it’s something new, taboo, and this woman with a penis looks like a woman. The desensitized brain knows no difference, it just wants the hit. Now his taste has distorted from normal sex with women to tranny videos, was he born that way? No. He was made that way through numerous brain/body changes. In my view a lot of the spectrum view is from people who believe everyone is a little bisexual. This just isn’t the case imo, it might seem like a nice solution but I don’t buy this. There’s no grounds for it. Some people are all straight, some are bi, and some are all gay, and whatever else is a thing nowadays in sexuality like pansexuals, asexuals, etc.


Now I completely agree with you, I mean why it’s like more gay people are found in modern countries/cities like America. It isn’t like rest people don’t fight for their rights.
Even in India I see weaker manhood in cities(modern places). It’s because they want something new,the craving that brings them to do homo and they think it will give peace to their desire but no.
This evil porn is the real monster. Stoping this shit will give this slimy,sluty desire the end


I think its possible. But i am not scientist and i am not sure.
You can watch femdom porn. Soft and sensual. But can be disgusted by strapon. After times, you will start look strapon and be disgusted by cuckolding. Finally, you can think about another guy, bisex threesome. Where will this end?