Does Kegel exercises worsen PE?

My premature ejaculation got worsened when I started to do kegels. Anyone to help? Or can anyone tell why it is so??


There is no connection; kegel exercises will not increase erectile dysfunction or premature ejaculation.

Ask yourself whether your pornography usage increased during the same period that you started doing kegels.


That :point_up:t2:

Also, it could be possible that abstaining from PMO for some time can heighten your arousal and decrease the threshold stimulus for ejaculation. In such a case there is no need to be alarmed, as in the long term, abstinence from PMO is gonna be beneficial for you.

As for treating you PE, you need to be aware that for some people, simply doing kegels and stopping PMO might not suffice. But for now, carry on with this. If not cure it, it’ll at least form a good foundation for when you receive treatment from a doctor… that’s if the need arises…


First of all, I want to ask for forgiveness from all the brothers and sisters here if I give any wrong suggestions or advice to Gogetassj5. I am only going to tell him what I know and what God has given me knowledge about. I hope you will try to understand and not get angry with me.

Now, listen, bro Gogetassj5. I saw your post just now, so I thought to reply because I believe that if I help you, then God will help me. The thing you want to do (Kegel exercises) can harm you if you don’t have proper knowledge about these exercises. If you do them without gaining proper knowledge from doctors, practitioners, or yogis, you could harm yourself. I say this because I made this mistake before. I started doing something I thought would help me and make my reproductive system better, but I ended up harming myself badly. Believe me, I hurt myself severely and had to visit various doctors to fix the problem I had created.

I don’t even know if you’re doing the right exercise that’s actually called Kegel or not.

About three years ago, I started doing these exercises and went into deep research. I watched a lot of videos on YouTube and read lots of material on Google. Some people said these exercises could harm you and advised against doing them, but most agreed on their benefits. Some said it would tighten your muscles, which could disturb the natural pattern of your lower area muscles and you will find difficulties in ejaculation and you will suffer from pain during ejaculation. Others said it would tighten your muscles beneficially and help cure PE and ED. I have a lot of information about Kegels that I can’t cover in one reply.

I found that these Kegel exercises are very closely related to yogic practices, which are part of different religions worldwide.

So here is my final verdict: don’t do Kegel exercises now. Focus on quitting PMO first.

If you quit your PMO, it will help cure your PE. For me, semen retention is the medicine for all things.

When you finally succeed in quitting PMO, you can research Kegels and gain proper information. If you watch 4 to 5 videos on YouTube that say it benefits you and start doing it, then no, bro. I recommend that you go to the proper yogis to get accurate information. What they will tell you will be pure and beneficial, not harmful, as far as I know.

Find the right person and clarify your doubts regarding Kegels with them before you start practising. Even if you don’t practice Kegels, your situation will improve on its own through semen retention


Thanku so much brother.


Oh, you’re always welcome, bro…You are always free to DM me anytime if you need help. You can also DM me if you have private problems like PE or ED or maybe something else. I will try to help you with the information that God has provided me and indeed I only know what GOD tells me and informs me


I thought these are to reduce nightfall, not for the premature ejaculation.


Really maaaaan … i cant stop laughing :joy::joy:

I am not saying this to you, bro Nep 12, but it’s nothing to worry about. There are many kids on this forum, and maybe you are also in the age of 17 or 18; I don’t know about that. They will keep learning new things with time and experience. Or maybe not, but I hope they will learn in time.:slightly_smiling_face:


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