Do you agree or not?

Pornography is the visual or textual representation of sex acts, presented and enjoyed exclusively for their titillating character (and therefore not as artwork nor as journalism, nor for research purposes).
Sex is not merely a practice of physical stimulation and relief. At its best, as part of a love relationship, it allows two people to experience deep and intimate contact, exchanging appreciation of each other at the physical and spiritual levels. It is a profound experience of self. But this is something one experiences with another person, and while that person’s body and the physical act of sex is essential to the experience, that person’s character, personality, ideas, and tastes are all integral as well.
The trouble with pornography is that it tends to present a physical fantasy of sex. This can give the viewer or reader a sense of false emphasis, an overemphasis on the visual and the physical aspects of sexual desire. It can associate sexual pleasure with stylized ideas of beauty and stereotyped conceptions of sexual encounters. This is not all there is to sex and love. In addition, a great deal of pornography trades on fantasies of abuse or degradation, to say nothing of peculiar fetishes. Again, in the context of a rational life, there is nothing wrong with indulging one’s tastes, but to the extent that one’s tastes relish a denial of the essential humanity of sexual and romantic partners, it seems to me questionable whether fascination with these kinds of representations is either rational or healthy.
Another danger of pornography is that it can serve as a substitute for normal sexual stimulation. This could leave one numb to an important dimension of relations with others.


While I’m in agreement with you ild like to ssk this. If our parents and grandparents had fully driven p@/n outvof public eye would it be this big an issue? Each generation is responseable for its own mess, and needs to be forgiven by the next.

Which is probably why the phrase “don’t trust anyone over 30 comes feom”.

I love you but I can’t learn it for you.