Diary (A New Arc) 25M

Wow such an awesome presentation by this man.


I saw this just few day ago. A good message blended with the art.


21st Nov
Studying: Well no time today :sweat_smile:
Going to sleep before/around 12 last night: Late, don’t remember when exactly.
:white_check_mark:Gayatri Mantra chanting
:white_check_mark:Workout: 30 min pull day, back: 10 min
:white_check_mark:Cold Shower
:white_check_mark:Reading easy way to mindfulness
:white_check_mark:Reading Bhagavad Gita
:white_check_mark:Detox: 5 hrs in evening
:white_check_mark:Meditation: 20 min, anulom vilom 5 min and Balayam 5 min are included in this
:white_check_mark:Walking (5k steps min): 6.7k steps
No sugar: Had kheer and halwa prasaad
:white_check_mark:Shutdown Ritual/planning for the next day
:white_check_mark:Practising gratitude/gratitude journal

Today morning I redefined some of my affirmations and my vision, I was planning to workout before going to gurujii’s ashram but I got a call from a friend about an upcoming interview, it’s on 19th December and is in Bhubhaneshwar, Orissa, too damn far :sweat_smile:, me and my friend both have that interview on same that and at same place, we are mulling whether we should go or not, depends on some other things which are pending in near future, let’s see.
Then I went to Gurujii’s Ashram, there were a lot lot of people, I was feeling a little scared in morning that I might get stupid thoughts by being in presence of so many women but thankfully I built mental fortitude before going there by deciding never to take refuge in any kind of ■■■■ again and by also deciding I’ll ignore all sexual or pmo related thoughts, I even looked away whenever I came across any attractive woman :joy:, feels good though. The food and prasad there were awesome, food was proper Himachali dham (traditional food of my area). I had to walk a lot to reach the ashram though, I wore a woollen sweater and I was sweating all over :joy:, I should have worn something light but the ashram is at height so it got better after reaching there.
I also clicked a picture of the place where ashram is located, it feels so serene, here

The building visible little bit behind bottom set of wires and some trees is the ashram.
After returning home, I worked out, followed rest of my habits, had dinner and watched tv with family.
I’ll watch one ep Rick and Morty before sleeping.
A good day :sweat_smile:.
Thanks a lot again bro @NukePizza your messages helped me a lot in regaining strong mindset. So grateful to have you in this community.


I know right? The art, the message, the technique, the perfection, the sensation, synchronization with the music that was just perfect

Feels so liberating to be there isn’t it :relieved:
It kind of reminds me of Lebanon

I’m not really that good at taking pictures and as you can see I was in a fast car so I apologize if there were few unclear parts of the image.

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Oh you went there for vacation or something? How far is it from Tunisia? I live in Northern India so it’s mostly hilly here.

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Dude my mom is from Lebanon :joy:

Not much, it takes 2hrs and 50 minutes to get there in 1 flight and 4 hours in 2 flights ( with 2 planes: Tunis - Cairo / Cairo - Lebanon)

Yup that’s definitely just like Lebanon, it’s pure nature with not just hills, mountains as well :joy: ( we often reach higher than the clouds in few trips ) the road is up and down and up and down but you always feel amazed whenever you see how beautiful earth and nature are away from the dead city :triumph:

I even mentioned that day in my old diary
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Thanks a lot bhai bhai !!


@The_integrous_one @Sholt_Tenkerrot @Strong_one @rajameghanan @madhavbansal guys this guy created the part 4 trailer and it is now
Goku and Saitama and Vegeta Vs Hulk and Superman!!!

Hail Hydra let’s gooo!!


nice man youre killing it, keep going :-D*

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Out of likes so here :joy::


Oh ok :joy::+1:



Yeah I saw it’s out, I’ll check in sometime.

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I like it. That was really amazing


22nd Nov
:white_check_mark:Studying: About 1 hour
:white_check_mark:Going to sleep before/around 12 last night
:white_check_mark:Gayatri Mantra chanting before sleeping last night
:white_check_mark:Workout: Full body, just one body weight exercise per muscle group, basketball: 1 hour
:white_check_mark:Cold Shower
:white_check_mark:Reading easy way to mindfulness
:white_check_mark:Reading Bhagavad Gita
:white_check_mark:Detox: 6.5 hours in evening
:white_check_mark:Meditation: 15 min
:white_check_mark:Walking (5k steps min): 7.7k steps
No sugar: Fd up, had one candy, bournvita with milk and some halwa
:white_check_mark:Shutdown Ritual/planning for the next day
:white_check_mark:Practising gratitude/gratitude journal

I slept on time last night, but still woke up late :sweat_smile:, then my morning time was mostly messy, my sisters had ordered some snacks few days ago, they arrived today and we had them, so I didn’t workout in morning because my tummy was almost full :joy:, after lunch I had to go to my mom’s school because she bought some oranges, I had to carry them back home, then till evening I had done almost zero habits (except affirmations and visualisation which I did in morning), I still decided to go to play, when I reached the court there was no one there so I decided to get some workout done, I full body body weight workout, I exercise per muscle group, when I finished that some players arrived, we had a good game, I decided on the way itself that I’ll do my habits after reaching home, I took a bath, cold shower, sat down to follow my tasks but then my sister came to my room, we talked for some time and then my mom called me for dinner :joy:, after dinner I started having urges, I sat on my chair, did some habits, then as I opened my offline journal to plan for next day I saw that I had kept some study related tasks for today, I felt bad that I didn’t do them, I decided to open my notebook and I didn’t realize how I spent 1 hour studying and all three tasks I had set for today were completed :joy::relieved:, after that I meditated, urges disappeared almost completely and now I can’t believe myself how the hell did I get almost all green ticks :joy:. Eating control wise I messed up today, had extra snacks and even some sugary ones, will take care of that.
Now I’ll be sleeping after watching one episode of Rick and Morty. Goodnight.


@The_integrous_one thanks for making the forum look so cool :sunglasses::v:

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Haha Welcome and Thanks.

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23rd Nov, Wednesday
Studying: 1 hour
Going to sleep before/around 12 last night: Got late
:white_check_mark:Gayatri Mantra chanting before sleeping last night
:white_check_mark:Workout: 35 min legs+core, back: 10 min
:white_check_mark:Reading easy way to mindfulness
:white_check_mark:Reading Bhagavad Gita
:white_check_mark:Cold Shower
:white_check_mark:Detox: Till 3pm, and for some more time in evening
:white_check_mark:Meditation: 5,5,10= 20 min total
Walking: 3k steps
No sugar: Had a little bit of halwa, but I forgot actually that it’s gonna be sweet :joy:, I realized afterwards what I had done.
:white_check_mark:Shutdown Ritual/planning for the next day
:white_check_mark:Practising gratitude/gratitude journal

I was planning to do those 5-5 min anulom vilom and balayam sessions two times a day (both are Indian meditative practices for those who don’t know) gonna do that just once a day, plus those back exercises doctor suggested me, I had been having a target of doing them atleast twice in a day 10 minutes each but it’s been almost 5 weeks since I’ve been doing that, doctor told me to do that for 6 weeks, I am gonna do that just once for 10 minutes (my shoulder already got better because of that), plus I reduced daily step target to 4k minimum, if I go to play I easily cross 5k but on other days covering the step count takes a lot of time and I need to figure ways to save time because I need time to work on improving my interview skills, that’s why cutting these things, not a lot but it takes some pressure off me :sweat_smile:.
Oh and I finished the book ‘easy way to mindfulness’ today, had some good lessons from that book, now I am back to stoicism, starting the book ‘how to be a stoic’, I don’t know how I had forgotten some of the very important lessons from the last stoicism book I read (the daily stoic), I remembered those lessons after the failure I faced recently, that’s good enough reason to start another similar book, I had been thinking whether I should read this one or not but now I know I need it.
Apart from this, I got nagged by my mom for sleeping late last night :sweat_smile:, I slept around 1:30 I think, tomorrow morning my parents are gonna be home and they are planning an early lunch, so I have to sleep and get up on time at all costs so that I can finish all my morning routine before eating.
I actually didn’t waste much time today, but I woke up late and somehow spent a lot of time in daily habits and all so didn’t study much, not a very productive day. I hope tomorrow as I’ll wake up on time I’ll be able to do better. Goodnight.


Not in very good mood today, felt a bit directionless, no solution other than staying patient and working on myself.


I don’t know why but I wrote this poem for me today but I think you also need it buddy

If you truly want it
And ready to plan for it
Fight for it
Consiste for it
If you’ll gladly sweat for it
Work hard for it
Forget your fear and pain
Caused by your body and brain
And break your daily chains
It shall never be the same

No doubts or flatline
Could stop the harmony and rhyme
Of @The_integrous_one the divine
Spirit of this time
For his soul and mind
can never deny
That he will always shine

A man who forgets about positivity
Loses his chastity
So just forget about this horror

And come back stronger!!!


Thanks bro :sweat_smile::sweat_smile::sweat_smile: