Day 23 filling too much headech

I’m filling that I can’t do it any more…filling too much headech…what to do …when it go away??fillimg so much urges…and headech

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I feel you brother. If i get headache, sleeping usually helps me. By the time i wake up, headache is gone.
Push away all the thoughts and try to sleep or take small nap. That’s the only suggestion comes to my mind right now.
Do you think it will work?

Some people takes medicine to help with headache or takes medicine to easily fall asleep. I have no knowledge if it’s a good idea and/or give suggestion which medicine. :slightly_frowning_face:


I drink ginger and it mostly helps then meditate afterwards. Hope it helps!

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Thanks bro for the suggetion

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Keep busy, for me working out has been the cure to this addiction, specially if you work out towards the end of the day, so that when u get home it’s almost time for bed and your feeling tired as hell from the gym, yea that helps alot. Try to get in a workout routine, even if u can’t afford to go to a gym, you can look up a d create a at home routine without any or minimal equipment, hell the best shape I ever been was made thru home exercise without any equipment, so there isn’t any excuses not to other than your too lazy and if your too lazy to do something that will benefit you, how the hell do you expect to get over this addiction, you might as well masturbate 10 times day till ur dry out ur body and rot… Naw am jk stay strong man, most of us know the answer to our own questions, S yourself what can you do to better the situation and you will find the answers you really need, all u need after that is make the decision to take action on it.

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