I’m gonna post here once a day for accountability. I’ve tried app blockers but unfortunately they caused dns not to work essentially not letting any websites work. If you guys know of any apps that don’t interfere with dns please tell me. My longest streak was 3 weeks and I relapse on average once a week to once every two weeks.
@Binocular I think you can help.
Most blockers rely on DNS code. The rest who don’t can’t secure the untire internet unless with premium.
If you want my point of view, if blockers are useful to something it would be delaying failure.
Once your blockers stop working you relapse again. If you don’t change yourself you will never succeed even if you abstained for 1000 days.
Abstaining isn’t recovering.
Yeah, you’re right. That’s why I downloaded this app. To stop once and for all and have accountability.
You seem serious about changing your life. I like that.
Since you’re new here, I would like to welcome you to check out the basics of this forum.
Once you would have done that, you would have known about the term ‘sharing code’ right?
Here is mine: 4e8x24
What’s yours?
And welcome to rewire companion forum, by the way!
My sharing code is v2mh4f
Hey spidey I added you.Keep going
Like Binocular said man, blockers are useful, but I don’t believe they are actually useful in the long run. But that being said, I use Appblock when I’m on exams/want to concentrate, make sure to even block Addblock itself so you can’t modify the time period until it finishes.
I use appblock as well.
I used stayfree, not so much a blocker but helpful to see how much/often I spend time on my phone.
If you watch erotic movies or movies with sex is it considered a relapse?
Yes, that’s a relapse
There’s a reason we use the term “PMO” and relapse means doing the “M” part of it. But sure, if he’s abstaining from PMO it counts as relapse.
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