David goggins inspired challenge

Who’s gonna lift the boats :motor_boat::motor_boat:
Currently we may not be as determined as him
We can start somewhere right
And hence i bring to u this challenge
Where we arent competing against each other
But pushing ourselves to be amongst the others who achieve the targets
It isnt easy to create a good habit
But we will surely do it brother

Every week there will be different sets of challenges
And i aim to continue this challenge entire year
The tasks will be such that one can do it in their time no matter how busy they are
The goal is to be consistent…

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  1. Darshan
  2. @redFalcon
  3. @letsdoitthistym

@prince_king @Binocular @John22 @Vortexkicker @Deep @debellator @Nadeem @Adioz @redFalcon @The_Rising_One


@lets_begin @letsdoitthistym

Bro how many chapters you completed of can’t hurt me?

Also, is it possible to have a same criteria for every people? Because everyone’s body is different

How about we group people according to where they stand? And then each group will progress at their own rate?


I have finished till two chapter
But i have been watching his content on youtube
Now the goal here is to start
The tasks are achievable mostly by everyone
Like 100 pushups in a week
Or 1000 rope jumps in a week
Or 200 squats in a week as such
Since its about a week
One can do as per his convenience
It will start small and eventually let us increase the goals


Who is David Goggins?

I don’t understand the Challenge.

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David goggins is the epitome of physical capabilities of a human. Search about him.


Thanks bro for the invitation.
What will be our tasks bro?


Thanks bro for the inivitation lets motivate each other for physical activites and try to achieve daily targets, this helps in all aspects and our common target.

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Challenge no 1

To begin with lets start with either

  1. Conscious walking
  2. Pushups

conscious walking
We need to walk minimum of 2000 steps a day
U ay say yeah we do it
Yep i get it
But here u need to do in a lot of 1000 steps at a time
Be it at home or out
But we need to count the steps by ourselvs and we need to achieve 1000 steps in one go
Thid may seems easy
But at the end of the week we will have 14000+ extra steps
I thought of keeping it 5000 but it may be difficult for few people hence 2000
U may do it when u have urges
U may do it after meal
2000 daily is minimum
And at the end of the week 14000 is minimum

Requirement of this challenge

  1. Daily checkin
  2. U cant use digital watch for this challenge

The goal here is trying to bui

ld a mindset to do things consciusly in our life
Many times we do things without being in it
So while being conscious its better if we keep moving

The task may be super simple now
But this is to build foundation for the future challenges

If u can do one push up a day then by 2024 year end u would have done 366 pushups

The task here is to do a set number of pushups in a week
For starters 20 pushups a day and by week end 150 pushups
I know 10 pushups are extra
Thats just to push ourselves
Minimum of 20 a day and by the end of the week 150 pushups
U can do more if u would like to but this is the minimum u need to do
U need to do pushup in lot of 3 - minimum
If u can go in one round very well

The requirements are same for this too

The goal is to pump ourselves with pushups
Pushups is not easy and we tend to do bare minimum
So through we should try to break the limits

U can do pushups at any time of the day

For now it may seem only 3 in one go and 20 in a day minimum
But as weeks go on we shall tty to aim for 10 to 15 in a go and around 50 to 60 in a day

Hope u understand everything

  • Conscious walking
  • Pushups
0 voters
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Nice . Count me in. Do tag me when the challenge starts.

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Since 2 people have chosed for pushups let us go for pushups
The week will end on sunday
So 15 pushups a day minimum
80 pushups by the end of the week
5 pushups is extra
Push urself during these days
Pushups to be done in set of 2 minimum

@prince_king @The_Rising_One @redFalcon @Simhavishnu @letsdoitthistym
We are starting from tom till the coming sunday
Check in mandatory
U cant coverup for a missing day
The goal is to be consistent
Stay strong


Bro 15 push-ups in one go is impossible for me rn. It will lead to injury for me.

Bro read properly
15 pushups in a day with minimum 3 pushups in one go and total pushups by sunday 80
So 15× 5 = 75

  • push urself to do 1 extra pushup everyday

Day 1 week 1 :white_check_mark:
6 + 3 + 3 + 4 = 16

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This might help for everyone.


Day 2 week 1
7 + 6 + 3 = 16


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