Daily "Minidiary" group

Day: 73
Energy: 4/10
Emotions: Very Good
Urges: 4/10
Observations: following pomodoro technique already done 2 sessions :slight_smile:


What’s pomodoro technique? @weir

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Day: 8
Energy: 3/10
Emotions: Weak, dizzy and doubt about all of this
Urges: 9/10
Observations: really need to stop oeeking any video and need some strategy to avoid urges in the night time

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Here its


Day: 15
Energy: 4/10
Emotions: Satisfied
Urges: 2/10
Observations: I got all work done. Now im very tired, ill go to sleep.

Day: 75
Energy: 6/10
Emotions: Satisfied
Urges: 0/10
Observations: Trying to make negative thoughts into positive one

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Emotions: stable and grounded
Observations: spiritual grounding can has a big impact on one’s life

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Day: 18
Energy: 5/10
Emotions: Happy
Urges: 0/10
Observations: Finished my exams, now im free.

Emotions: hatred towards myself
Urges : 5/10
Observations: I fucked up my nofap streak.I feel like a looser now.my highest streak was 115 days now I can’t even go 3 days without fapping

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Day: 77
Energy: 4/10
Emotions: ok
Urges: 10/10
Observations: wanting to watch but resisting



Day: 4
Energy: 5/10
Emotions: uneasiness… Hard to focus, and guilty for the last failure
Urges: 6/10
Observations: feeling it clinging and mind trying to sabotage me …
But using mindfulness to allow urges to pass by.


Day : 2
Emotions: OK
Observations: using a physical diary to count my days which is helping me nowadays


Day: 21
Energy: 5/10
Emotions: Well
Urges: 3/10
Observations: Today I dreamed that I relapsed. I woke up instantly very horny, but calm, because it only was a dream. The urge was easy to fight.

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Day : 3
Energy : 6/10
Emotions : happy
Urges : 6/10
Observations: had a wet dream yesterday

Day : 71
Energy : 8/10
Emotions : frustation
Urges : 0/10
Observations: Nofap is not a panacea, it just give s u more time and energy, its you who choose where to use it.


Day : 5
Energy : 8/10 decreased in evening
Emotions: happy
Urges: 7/10 no urges in evening
Observations : meditation helps a lot

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Day: 23
Energy: 5/10
Emotions: Relaxed
Urges: 1/10
Observations: It seems like my nofap motivation could still forever.

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Day: 6
Energy : 10/10
Emotions: feeling strong
Observations: guided meditation works like magic.my self esteem has gone way up today

Day: 12
Energy : 3/10
Emotions: Regret…
Observations: my mind made it to trick me into opening a P site… It was so fast.
It is awful, just some seconds and it creeped inside my mind. It hurts, because I decided not to fall again.i don’t want to be back where a was ever again…

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Day: 30
Energy: 6/10
Emotions: Happy, Feeling of fullness
Urges: 2/10
Observations: Finally i did it, i got to 30 again.

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