Daily Goals of Kaizen

Not studied at all…I felt very low,headache,very tried,zero interest to do anything.
Studied 4hrs 30mins
Studied 3hrs 30mins

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Main tips I have for you is to start slow and easy. At the beginning just set out to do a few tasks, and then slowly add one or more tasks to that list every single day. Write down the tasks that will actually help you make massive progress in life, like studying 4+ hours, exercising, meditation, prayer etc. But as I said, build slow. Don’t rush things. Focus on building habits, rather than burning yourself out.

Your current task board isn’t that bad. You just need to add more meaningful things day by day.
After a month, your schedule will look even better than mine. :muscle:

To improve 1 percent every single day, that’s the meaning of the name Kaizen


Are you okay now?..if no problem, shall I know what happened?

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Dude, I’ve been there so many times this past year. On every big streak that I make, I go 25 days clean and suddenly out of nowhere get hit by massive depression. Every single time I failed due to this. After the initial 25 days, I just drag myself until I eventually can’t anymore.
My big streaks were like this: 26 days, 35 days, 40 days, 27 days. All are around that 25 day mark.

This is what happened on my last big streak as well. I thought it was because of my bad lifestyle. But that wasn’t the case.
This is called flatline. Some have it easy, some have it hard. I guess I’m on the second category.

Yes, that’s what I’m hoping as well. We can’t do this thing forever. We have to get out of the loop.
That’s why I have made the decision to never fap again in my life. I know it seems crazy and almost impossible but, I have to quit for good eventually… So why not now?

I’ve accepted flatline as the new norm. As the new state of my being. It doesn’t matter if I never get out of this depression, I will not fap again.


Nothing happened bro! I’ve just been severely depressed for over a month now. I’m gonna take a break from the app, as I don’t have the will to do anything, let alone help someone else.

I will be back after I fix this issue. And I will be back strong. :triumph:


Nice and meaningful name. Thanks for the tips. :slight_smile:


Okay bro take care of mental health. I am always available if you need someone to talk. Much love to you :yellow_heart:

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@anon25497833 welcome bro!

@Busyman thanks for the support! :pray:
Will reach out if I ever need help. Much love to you as well :purple_heart:.

And always keep busy improving your life, busyman. :grin:


Sure brother. That’s why I am friend with you. Always improving ourselves better than we are before


@Kaizen take care bro


@_TIGER You too my brother. :fist_right::fist_left:


@Kaizen Stay Strong, You are the true successor or L.
Better than Near, even better than L.(One wise guy told me this :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:)
I hope you will come out stronger and better.
Gud Luck bro

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Who is that I wonder :thinking: :joy:

I will bro! I won’t let you down. :fist:
Thank you for always being there to support me :pray:. I can’t express how much it meant. :pray:



Brother @Kaizen Is everything alright now ?
Are you able to post here often !
Miss You bro !

"That is it would be a problem if you were kira because I think

You are the first friend that I ever had !"



Will see you soon brother

You and I will be free from this addiction very soon


Hope everything will be fine !


Wow bro! Im touched. :pleading_face:
But sadly I am kira.I guess I’ll miss you too ryuzaki, …after I kill you though. :rofl:

It’s a lot better now, I have found ways to deal with the depression, but it’s still work in progress.
As for posting often, I have a lot less time I used to have, plus I’m doing detox from phone as well. I will try to be more active every now and then when I have more free time. :slightly_smiling_face:

Amen to that brother. I’m sick of it anyway.
Let’s get clean for good. :fist:

And as always, Thank you for checking in on me. You’re like my best friend on this app. :smiling_face:
I feel blessed to have companions like you. :innocent:


Nofap : Day 73

My depression has reduced significantly, so I think I will start writing my daily goals again from tomorrow. Counting this day as day 0.

Goals for day 1 :

:watch:Wake up before 6 am
:watch:Study 8 hours

Study goals :

:watch:Application oriented chemistry

@rewire_user bro, let’s do a 6 hour study challenge tomorrow. What do you say?


Yeah bro, I don’t see why I will not accept this challenge.
Let’s do it brother !

Let’s Study like never before



All right!!
It’s on!! :fire::fire:

Let’s DELETE that syllabus. :triumph::muscle:



I am in bros. Add me to