I know many of you have been reading, listening, and hearing much of the stuff online regarding positivity. But we never take it too seriously. In fact, we just listen to it in our hard times thinking that it will help us get over those shitty feelings and make us happy. No doubt, it usually does not work like that. Maybe you over-interpret a sentence here or there and get all pumped up but we all know and have experienced that we are unable to carry the feeling for long. Positivity is more for us like a shower in the rain. It feels good while it lasts, relieves while it keeps hitting and soothes when all we have to do is just expose ourselves to the source of positivity. Sadly, positivity is not a textual subject or a lecture which can be read or heard and then it stays with us forever. It is a perspective through which we interpret our world and generate emotions.
Positivity is our inner capacity to remain unaffected by unfavourable circumstances. It is much like stamina. Of course, just like even Marathon runners cannot keep running all their lives, positivity has its limit of exhaustion. But with careful study and application, we might increase our potential to remain positive. Just like with training we can increase our stamina.
So I have started this thread, where we will proceed one by one from problems in the way of remaining positive, to the value of positive outlook, steps and tools of positivity, and finally end with a week-long test of our tools and skills to see what have we achieved. To be honest, I am no psychologist or psychoanalyst, I am a normal literature guy who feels over-stressed by normal situations and feels distraught with life’s responsibilities. So, I thought to properly understand positivity and not take sprinkles all the time. I am here to inculcate positivity for a long time. I believe negativity sucks more life out of our lives than any other thing. It is negativity regarding our future that takes us to PMO as well. So, if you wish you can join. We will read stuff together, discuss and practice positivity.
P.S. You need not reply like I’m in or something. You can just follow the thread as I share stuff and can then contribute if you feel like discussing or adding to something. But no Off topic discussions.