Companion after 190 days Streak lost

Hello guys, let me introduce my self you can call me J, i’m also one of the no masturbate companion here, just a short point, i slipped after reaching 192 days, it is unbelievable for me that it happened because i let my guard down, it really punch me out and really make me down,i don’t even go to college today because of it, let’s grow together guys, 1 suggestion from me what should to do is, be discipline and don’t sleep too late, sleeping late is what made me do it


Also after reading some people’s struggle and a video it does not mean i really get back to 0, as the progress i really understand it now, there was 30 50 70 days and now it is 192 days, that r some progress too, i didn’t gave up, as a male i am stronger and i am not a “PMOer” That is what i think and what i become, my family even some friends support me


Hey brother, sorry to hear that you went back to PMO after 192 days :disappointed_relieved::cry: I did the same after 252 days so I can understand your pain today.

Rise up stronger, you can definitely be free for good. Never give up, never lose hope :pray: :heart: :muscle:


Tho 132 is not as big as you two people’s number but I did stumbled last month after a 132 day streak.

Even tho I am only on day 26, I can tell that I have been ruthless with my streak till now and I want this clarity of mindset to never dwindle in future.

There’s absolutely no space left for stupidity now.


Thank you, it is nice knowing that there some people still struggling like me so we can understand it and be better, 252 is really a long long run, but it will be the last for us, much support for you too!


We are the same because 100+ days is a big achievment, but the achievment is not there, we did not reset back to 0, as you see what i said i gotten higher and higher days after slips i do, that is where progress is.


Hey J, this is Rajameghanan. I have been in your place last December 31st. I did slip on my 192nd day like you. From my side, I would definitely warn you to be so cautious. It’s been 4 months from that day, but I can’t manage to cross 30 days. Sometimes I can’t even cross 5 days. It may be because of my environment which gives me a more alone time. But don’t let anything break your shield buddy. We shall make it.


Thank you for the warning raja, Environment may be the reason tho, i was alone that night, and i only want to sleep, i always have lack of sleep problem often sleep 1-3 AM, like everyday, i guess that is why i just slipped because having lack of sleep and not being discipline really play with my mind and there where i let my guard down.

OFC We shall make it.
I have promised with God.

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I don’t know what makes you sleep so late or wakes you up in midnight, but you have to make sure to control it and have a good sleep everyday buddy. Because sleep is important, right?

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Yeah, it is important, i can’t sleep early because i often be in front of my computer midnight playing games or editing, also i read that sometimes you can’t even cross 5 days or 10 or 20+, same with me too 192 is my longest streak, but before this up and down streaks happened like 30 and then 20 and then 60, but it happened long time ago.

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Let’s make our suns shine bright.

Yeah, don’t hesitate to inform me or us here if you need support, ik we’re far away chatting using our phone, but it is nice knowing we have same struggle and getting better.

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Sure brother. Thank you. I will keep in touch and stay on track :wink: .