CM2018: My Journey to Porn-Free (+ Advices)

27 days now. I arrived in my hometown today (where i grew up). Good to be here. :slight_smile:


28! I was so busy the last couple of weeks. There was no time to even think about PMO. An advice: Keep yourself busy. Avoid spending time chilling in bed or on the couch in your room alone. If you don’t have time to watch porn, you cannot do it!

How are you guys doing these days?

Stay strong!


Keeping ourselves busy really helps on this journey! Idle hands are the devil’s playthings, as they say. Too easy to fall into mischief.

Great to see you climbing up again brother!

Doing great my friend, looking forward to finishing the year strong and making plans for a great 2020, GOD willing.

We can do this brother!

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Hey @Forerunner,
good to hear that you are doing great!
I wish you happy holidays, brother!


It is 29 days now. I am very confident that I will stay PMO-free till the end of the year!
Keep fighting!


Bro what an amazing thing that would be, one week to go to make it to the new year clean! And less than a day until you have 1 month under your belt, this is great man🔥 I am so happy to see you making it this far.

Keep at it man!


@Special_Bird wow, thank you so much! This is the support I need! It is so great to have a community like this! I wish you a great holiday break! Let me know if I can do anything for you!


30 days now. Everything went well so far today. There was just one very dangerous moment: I found some ■■■■ pics of my ex-girlfriend on one of my old computers. (Sometimes I cannot believe that I had sex with a beauty like her). I really struggle to delete the pictures finally - it was a five-year relationship. But I definitely should do it. :confused: What do you guys think?


I would. No real reason to keep it. Congrats on 30.


Yeah I know that can be hard, but it is definitely good to delete them. You don’t want to hold on to something like that. What I did when I decided to delete some scandalous pics I had stored on my phone was ask myself, “why would I keep these if my goal is to be clean?” Keeping them just means I am still holding on to a piece of this addiction.

Happy holidays to you as well man! Hope you have a good and festive week :slightly_smiling_face::christmas_tree:

Yeah if you still have them, that means you haven’t moved on. It will be a waste of time if u still fantasize about her, might lead you to a relapse. There are 7 billion people out there and u will find someone better than her.

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@Special_Bird @Sacred @tuku
Okay guys, you are right! I will delete the pictures, when I am back home. Thanks a lot for the advices! :slight_smile:

Just finished 31 days. Tonight I am going to deejay (techno) in one of the big alternative night clubs in my city. I am quite nervous guys! :wink:


Here we go: relapse, day 0. I am sorry.
It was emotionally too much for me today. I was fucking nervous because of my DJ gig the whole day, did an awesome job at playing at the club - but then some stupid idiot sat on my bag which had my fucking expensive, brand-new laptop inside. Now the screen is broken. I needed some relief and could not stop myself from PMO after I arrived at home. I know this was stupid. But I will continue on my good path I was on before…
Trigger 1: Ex-girlfriend’s pics (I told you about).
Trigger 2: Nervousness and stress because of my gig.
Trigger 3: Anger because of my laptop.
Trigger 4: Driving alone in my car.
Trigger 5: huge tiredness after staying awake the whole night.
This was a deadly combination. :frowning:


Yeah that’s a deadly combination. But relapsing won’t help you reduce your stress and emotions instead it will make it worse.
But it’s all in the mind , just take it as a no big deal thingy. You already crossed 31 days successfully​ , so I believe rewiring is still there. Keep on going, don’t fall into the chaser effect.

And I recommend you to watch the science behind relapsing before you relapse next time. You can find tons of videos in YouTube regarding these topics. Show your brain that it is wrong with proof .
Good luck mate :+1:


Thanks for your words, @tuku! That means a lot to me! And thank you for the advices.

I will not give up! This diary is meant to be a success story! :slight_smile:


By the way: I finally deleted all my ex-girlfriend’s pictures. :wink:


Good job man! That’s not always as easy as we think.

I’m sorry to hear that you relapsed, that whole night sounded like a seriously bad combo. But as tuku said, you made it to 1 month! That’s something to be seriously proud of man.

You can make it back up there bro, and again as tuku said, definitely start researching some ways to handle the urges that work for you. There is a benefit to being back at square one, which is that you will have a lot of urges to try different strategies on.

I know I talk about it a lot, but I just want to say again that you should try journaling in those moments of frustration and urges. Just journal on this app, it’s super easy. Get out all your frustration, talk about it, and talk about what the urges are saying. Then bring it all together by counter-arguing with the urges and dealing with the issue, which is probably just getting sleep in the case of your last relapse.

But again, take this time to try all the different strategies and develop the right one for you. That way when you get farther in your streak, those sudden urges will be no big deal because you can execute your strategy.

Get back in the fight man :muscle:


Thank you, @Special_Bird! That sounds good. I am already watching videos about the science behind relapses. There are again new ways of looking at the whole thing and it is very helpful!
And yes: next time I will post all the issues and reasons for urges here before relapse!

What I learned this time: The “bad voice” came while driving alone back home in my car. It started like: “This whole laptop-thing is so annoying. Fapping helps!!! Do it!!! Just one time!!! Do it with porn!!!” And, since I was sitting in my car and driving along the highway, there was no possibility to escape. So, actually there the desicion was made. Next time in a situation like this, I will stop in a parking lot, take a deep breath and go for a short walk.


Day 1 successfully finished. No urges today. I visited an old friend at the hospital. He is dealing with big challenges. After a serious life-threatening illness he has to learn almost everything from the beginning. So impressing to see how he takes the fight and does not give up.


Day 2 finished. Managed some urges, but had not a big problem. Went out partying with some friends in my hometown and watched an ice hockey match in the stadium. Looks like a good fresh start. This streak is going to be bigger than the last one and 2020 is going to be porn-free