Chillax lounge for all

We all played Pokémon a lot. I’m the only guy who beat Kanto and moved on to Jhoto there. But Ash and samaranjay are of players as well. We had battles all the time

No dude. I used to play when I was in hostel.

Pokemon go…game I have installed it but my character was not moving…?:joy::sweat_smile::joy::rofl::joy::rofl::joy::rofl: standing at one place…

Not Pokémon go bro. The Pokémon game in discord.

I have installed it now…:rofl::joy::rofl::joy:

Dude Don’t. You know you’ll get addicted all over again

Bro, how do we throw a pokeball?
Is there any number for it?

Come to discord. I’ll help

I am online and Charmander reached lv 8 hehe

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Unistalled…? I thought I will have some fun…
And @GOVIND-19 I have join Rewire worries in discord…:sweat_smile::sweat_smile::sweat_smile:

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We can play game on discord plz tell me how to pokemon on discord and new there…:pray::sob:


Hey have any of you heard of apps called Fortify and Blockerx? They are apps I use.

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Heard spotify but not this one…:sweat_smile::joy::rofl::joy::rofl::joy::rofl:

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Guys watch this video might help you in your journey…?
A boy who stared his NoFap journey at the age of 14 and his current streak is 1371…? Now he is…18…


He won’t be able to login to his account anymore, since it’s suspended.


@VARAD you need to go to the pokemon channel and type something…I’m not using discord obviously, just tag some of the people there they’ll help. I think it was !help you should type in the relevant channel.

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@GOVIND-19 help me a lot… Thanks man…:metal:

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Good start. Now you have to catch up. We are all nearly level 60s :joy:


Damn I have to remove my bookmark now :expressionless:, I kept it for 1 year later to ask you about your ass

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Well well well, would you look at that ad​:joy::joy::joy::joy: