Cheers for completing badges

Guys, do you think that there should be cheers awarded as we keep collecting badges and keep increasing the number of days in the streak? If yes, please tag @Taher so that he reads this post and take it as a suggestion.


Good idea :+1::bulb:

20 characters


The streak won’t work fair for me coz I have not reset my streak from months , I don’t even use the app , just the forum . I think there might be more people like this .


Yep agreed! Even i don’t use the app


Don’t take me in wrong way, but anyone who’s not honestly resetting his/her streak but still using this forum, then there’s no reason for them to be active here. You can’t get out of this addiction without being tough enough to accept the reality. Being soft isn’t beneficial in long term


If some people quit the app, their streak will be ever increasing. Consequently, some people with the highest cheers would be people who aren’t even around anymore. Thus, taking streaks into account for calculating cheers would misrepresent the contribution of certain users and the Leaderboard will lose its credibility.

And I’m not for gamification of this forum anyways so I think it’s good the way it is.


I don’t use the app bcoz I don’t use phone . I keep my streaks in a streak bot on telegram (which I use in my pc ofc )

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I don’t agree with this at all . Infact that does not even makes sense bro tbh

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I agree with you,
I also have nothing to do with streak count.
I come here for the forum and for the count it’s only needed for initial days after that it is lifestyle so…

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It does. What’s the reason to be active and not updating your streak?

You wanna keep track of it with honesty, that’s gonna help you

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Because what happens with me is when I reach 30+ my mind trap me that you are on a good number so do it only once


Come to think of it bro… I think they’re right.
Plus, there are badges and points on the app so why cheers also?
By the way, why don’t we suggest to make the streak show “inactive” once a user uninstalls the app?


Yeah I agree with you. But the only thing I find problematic is being active still not updating the streak. Because deep down we only do that shit, when we are ashamed of ourselves because we are fapping so frequently or when we take it lightly.

As much as I am in support of helping each other and being non judgemental, I think being soft doesn’t helps sometimes. You got to accept some harsh realities and work on yourselves.

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Yeah and that’s why it’s necessary to either not look at the streak at all or become mentally strong enough to not let these small things play mind games with you.

My only problem is it’s not honesty when you relapse and still don’t update the streak counter. The worst form of damage one can do to themselves is denial of reality.


I think it is a good idea but have a lot of disadvantages, and a lot of probelms that should be solved to work this. The people described well here.

Btw I dont know how cheers work, Can somebody explain it to me?

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