"Check-in" Daily - diary challenge

Great Post :+1: @Positivebloke
I’m just practicing scales, in the left, right and both hands together - learning to tuck the thumb under and having a relaxed technique.

It’s totally amazing how much consistent, repetitive practice can do.
My left hand has improved dramatically.

I’ve been given Chopin’s revolutionary study to learn and push me, as I’ve put in a lot of left hand practice - but I haven’t begun yet, as my sight reading is still on the slow side, so I’ve been a little cowardly in that :pray:

I’ve worked odd hours and had odd jobs to do recently and spent so much time doing internal work, that music practice hasn’t been my go-to.
But when I do, as pompous as it sounds, I imagine myself like Rachmaninoff - therapeutically practicing scales.

Like the great gentle Russian, I want to get up everyday and practice all the major scales (for now) for an hour and before bed… It is as simple as sitting at the piano for an hour and asking The Great Rachmaninoff to guide me.

Friday 13th March

All good, thanks be to God. I’m really well - but I can always, always do better - which is beautiful in itself :grin::pray:

You my friends, my companions - you are wonderful. Thank you @Taher for making this app :pray:

I thank all companions here and my priests for keeping me accountable and awake.

I went to Stations Of The Cross (a Lenten observance, and meditation on Christ’s journey to Calvary, and his Passion)


@Aoshigreen bro it didn’t work and made it worse.

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Sorry to hear that @rowdy_nik :pray: I hope you’re well, both of you. I warned you against my opinions haha :sweat_smile::pray: I’ve been single for a looooong time now :pray:

Please pray that when I do, I have a healthy relationship that grows :pray:


Check-in :+1:

Scales are everything you need to master the piano!
I recommend you to keep increasing your tempo with time.
Chopin & Beethoven are the reason why I started with the piano too!
Hungarian Rhapsody No.2 is my favourite! :heart: What’s yours?
Maybe you should try sight reading with J.S Bach or maybe Mozart… The first classical piece that I went for was ‘Für Elise’.
Keep practicing…:+1: it’s really worth giving time, even though it’s frustrating some times. That’s why I wake up early to do it, first thing in the morning. Though I scare my parents practicing at such an odd time (5AM), it’s really worth it! like a head start for the day.

All fine… I had planned to write alot today…I’ll pass.
There’s lot I want to write, I’ll show up to check-in tomorrow again & actually do it. :+1:

Good night :new_moon_with_face:


Day 19,20. Check in.
images (13)



@Positivebloke thank you for your encouragement!

I got up early than usual, and practiced for 30 mins before going to morning Mass/confession, then back home to work with a friend/client, and had a fun, productive day.

Sunday - Today I went to Mass. much emptier since the spread of covid19.
I started getting a headache and my vocal cords didn’t feel great, and I began to wonder whether I had a fever.
So I decided not to go back for a special midday Mass, nor the evening Mass to help with music.
It was better not to take the risk. And spent most of today indoors alone.

I did feel a bit of self pity and sulkiness deep down, because I felt like I’m missing out on the things I love.
I think of that Norah Jones song “I don’t know why I didn’t come” :sob::sweat_smile::joy::pray: haha,…
Nah, just joking its not that bad,…
I don’t entertain such feelings like I may have done 10 years ago :wink::pray:

Seriously though, self isolation is horrible without something enjoyable :pray: I think of the elderly, and my friend in his 70’s.

I’m all good thanks be to God! :+1:
And started watching ‘Ristorante Paradiso’
A slice of life Anime set in Rome :grin:

Really glad to see you back @Special_Bird :+1:

In April, I’ll set up a new poll for us to update our routine! That’s right - A Routine - not a journey :wink::pray:


Day 1 finished. Finally one without edging and peeking into p***. Trying to find the way back on track. Cheers guys!


Week 0 - March 15, 2020, Sun - Streak: 4 days

Hey everyone, glad to be back. If you haven’t read my reintroduction post yet, then I’d head over and take a look if you’re curious about my absence.

As for lately, I relapsed about 27 days ago. I have relapsed several times more since then. It’s been interesting to me how easily my good habits were destroyed and bad habits ingrained so quickly after I relapsed and had no social support structure. Once I relapsed, I told myself that I would get back on immediately and yet I didn’t, not for several more disgusting relapses.

But thankfully in relapsing as much as I did, I was reminded once more why I am doing this. It’s enflamed the passion in me for seeking to truly better myself. And it reminded me how truly disgusting the other side of things is. It’s easy to forget what terrible parts of this world we are leaving behind by getting clean.

Lots is running through my head right now, much has happened in the few months since I was last online. I’ve got new developments with my cousins, a big, possiblely life changing decision coming up, and at times lately I have been wondering where my life is going.

I’ve been diving into a lot of philosophy and psychology books and interesting reads lately, the likes of Albert Camus, Friedrich Nietzsche, more of Victor Frankl, Carl Jung, etc. I’ve been questioning a lot of things.

A lot of what I’ve been feeling lately, on top of the relapses, was what was finally able to propel me from my rut and back into this forum where I know I could finally sort it all out in due time.

Many things need to change, and many things need to be sorted through.

But for now, I must sleep.

Thank you everyone for the amazing support coming back in, you guys are a second home to me. I will not make the mistake of leaving again.

This is my streak, I am going to make it.

Iron rusts from disuse; water loses its purity from stagnation… even so does inaction sap the vigor of the mind.

  • Leonardo da Vinci

Day 21. Check in.


Day two. Felt an attack of fitness ambition today. Out of nothing there was the need of eating healthy and doing sports. So I ate salad, went for a short run and did some exercises at home (since all the gyms are closed over here). Actually, despite all the PMO struggles going on the last 2 weeks, I was busy doing sports. And I am of the opinion this could be a way out of bad behaviours.


Nah your opinion was good. The problem lies within me. Going though a lot rn but govt. advised quarantine letting us keep our distance and bid the time to recover. Hope for Best :pray:
Good Luck to you @anon67854825



All good thanks be to God :pray:

@Positivebloke I practiced scales for an hour this morning, and a little throughout the day.
I don’t know what my favourite piece is yet as I’m a guitarist that gets inspiration from Opera, notably Maria Callas :grin::pray:
It’s funny you mention scaring your parents, when the piano was in my elderly friend’s room, he’d practice Mafesto Waltz (the loud scary bit) first thing in the morning :dizzy_face::face_with_symbols_over_mouth: but I’ve come to absolutely love it, though I still don’t know the whole piece - I love that intense kind of harmony.
I also Love Wagner, but also Debussy, amongst many other composers.

@rowdy_nik my housemate/business partner seems to have the virus now, so I’m gonna have to keep my distance, but also self isolate so as not to allow it to be passed to others - so I’m gutted I should take a break from singing with the choir, especially as there are some elders.
You’re right, it’s a good opportunity to recover, and be doing other things. I’m going to stick at piano, maybe I’ll compose some music :pray:

Please pray for my elderly friend, I know we live in weird times, and it hadn’t struck me yet - he’s over 70, diabetic and his health is so so :pray:
I don’t feel ready to lose him :pray:


Dear Rowdy me being a Doc .
I suggest u to use condoms and i prefer that bhabiji should not use OCP as OCPS have a higher chances of having the Diabetic,cardiac anomalies,and dyslipidemia may cincur with the time of usage.
I hope u both are not yet married ryt.My advise to my brother is that always use a condom and it may make u ppl get closer to as there are very little risks with its usage.
All the best brother.


Great bloke so u gonna get a chance to put u r performance this time on stage and being the Leader of Srudents Representatives i will assure u that u gonna get a great chance this year and u wont be pushed up by anyone else.
Hope u practice a better thing this time and make the things go on fire

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Week 1 - March 16, Mon - Streak: 5 days

Today was good. Went to the stores, and everything is empty, no people and no tiolet paper lol. Costco made like a barricade thing around there entrance to stop people from cutting in the extremely long lines out the door and around the building. Ridiculous. Restaurants, bars, everything is closing down. And eating and drinking is about the only thing you can do in my city. Ordered take out tho, trying to support the small businesses as I know this is gonna hit them hard. Idk which is gonna be worse, the virus or the economic recession coming. My bet is on the economy, but I’m not here to downplay the deaths of the older people. That’s a terrible cost as well.

Aside from that, urges have been low, but that’s expected, I’ve been getting them at the end of right around a week lately, probably due to the long streak I recently had.

I enjoyed the day, but the stress from a big decision coming up, and all the school confusion with the virus has thrown me off my schedule. Waking up later, being less productive. It’s taking its toll I think, and adding to my stress. That is definitely number one priority for the next two days, to get back on schedule. It’s important for my ability to stay clean as well.

I’m not sure I’m going the right direction with this decision I have, don’t really want to disclose it right now. There’s risks and possible rewards on either end, and things are moving so quickly. I just wish I had more time to deliberate. But maybe I’m just overthinking it.

Anyway, I better get some sleep, it’s late again. Tomorrow needs to be back to normal sleep schedule. Goodnight everyone, stay strong!

This is my streak, I am going to make it.

So we shall let the reader answer this question for himself: who is the happier man, he who has braved the storm of life and lived or he who has stayed securely on shore and merely existed?

  • Hunter S. Thompson

Ohh man praying for your old friend, you stay safe too :pray:

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Hey Doc, thanks for advise. Already refrained from using OCPs. But also -

Day 22. I learned a lot from past mistakes. I will keep trying and will do my best✌.



@Karan050 :wink::heart::+1:
@rowdy_nik thank you bro :pray:
All is well - but it’s felt weird today, I’ll get up early tomorrow and make sure I get out the house and go for a walk, do errands and start getting used to this weird kind of holiday.
It is Lent after all, a good time for being frugal, question my smoking and personal activity.
@Forodwaith @Gk-00

All good, thanks be to God :pray:


Week 1 - Tues, March 17, 2020 - Streak: 6 days

Short check in today. Went out exploring with my friends and cousins, so we got back late. Now I gotta work on some final schoolwork that’s due tomorrow morning. Very late night.

I don’t think urges should be a problem tonight at all as I just want to get to bed, but I will stay cautious.

Been thinking about my life direction some more. I’ve been going out exploring more, maybe more than I should, I think it’s from the stress from everything going on right now. It’s a good escape. But I feel like my family is irritated with me for it. I just hope things turn out alright with the way things are going right now. Maybe I need to change, but I like myself right now, I just am afraid for the future.

Will respond to more of you guys tomorrow! Goodnight :crescent_moon:

This is my streak, I am going to make it.

Perhaps Man is something that should never have been. Perhaps the world should even be cleansed of all human presence, so that Being and consciousness could return to the innocent brutality of the animal. I believe that the person who claims never to have wished for such a thing has neither consulted his memory nor confronted his darkest fantasies.

  • Jordan B. Peterson, 12 Rules for Life: An Antidote to Chaos