Check-in Week 45 - SunDay 7 - Sep 15
Sunday Recovery done. Work Mode starts now. This week has been almost good bar one relapse. Feeling the growth. Day 4 Settling in, again.
Week 45 - Sunday
All good
Week 45 ~ Sunday
All good
It’s been a good day and a very good week.
Thanks be to God alone
~ my rock and my strength
Week 7 - Sep 15, Sun - Streak: 21 days!
3 weeks clean baby! Life is becoming so good again. I am imagining good things for the future once more. They aren’t hopeless wishes and desperate yearnings like they used to be when I was relapsing. They are happy plans that I can attain and will attain.
@Positivebloke Thank you man! And your totally right, it’s a crazy state to be in. I don’t know where the world is heading, but I got to say, the amount that this app and the NoFap Reddit has grown since I started using it is promising. Both of them are growing exponentially, and I am starting to here more conversations about it in my daily life. They are still rare, but it’s going somewhere. We can only hope that PMO will one day be seen like cigarettes in the eyes of everyone.
In regards to IT though, yeah it is definitely more jumpscary than the original original, but to be honest it’s really well done for what it is. And you definitely won’t be disappointed like with Annabelle. I agree with you there, they are dragging that series way too far. Horror hasn’t been that good lately, but IT is definitely worth seeing. However, if you aren’t one for jump scares and all that, I would watch the original IT from back when if you haven’t seen it, it had a good story and a great creepy build up, but probably only one “jump scare”. Just be aware though, it’s a slow burner.
As for me today, I have been good, but some of my classes are giving me a ton of stress. This last test I didn’t do so good. In the past, I probably would have relapsed over it. But I’m taking it into perspective and working on managing the stress. I’m reminding myself that it’s not that big of a deal and there is always room to improve.
This is my streak, I am going to make it.
“One day, in retrospect, the years of struggle will strike you as the most beautiful.”
-Sigmund Freud
Checking in - All good
Week 46 - September 16, Monday
Day 7
One week completed on hard mode hurraaayyyy… And almost a month completed on noFap. My overthinking tendencies have subsided. Now mind is more free. Brain fog vanishing slowly slowly. Thank you @taher. Had you not created this app I wouldn’t have been able to make it this far. Thanks.
Checking in - Day 10. First attempt ever in life to quit PMO. So far, so good! I’m feeling support and inspiration from you guys. It’s a miracle to have found the nofap community. Let’s do this!
Week 46 - September 16, Monday
Hey @IntegralSoul
Welcome to this group and to the community
What’s your country and sharing code?
w0bevk Singapore
Check-in Monday
There was a diphtheria outbreak at my college 15 days ago (I study MBBS)
Everybody got infected🎉 I managed to escape though😌
It was horrible, at the same time fun because we got surprise holidays for 15 days😂
Holidays ended today…In the blink of an eye👀
Successfully wasted time like a sloth🎉
Just came back from college, trying hard to not doze off as I study📒
@Special_Bird, that’s true…
People are getting aware too, that reminds me of this👇
There is this beautiful website I wanted to share with all.
Open the site on Chrome, not on this app.
This is a scientific documentary made by a non-profit organisation called “fight the new drug”
There are basically 3 episodes…approx 30 min each about the effects of pornography on brain, relationships & the world.
It’s really good👌. It might actually make a big change to your mindset.
I recommend everyone to have a look.
You have to sign-up with your email before watching, I believe it’s safe & really worth the time
Both strongly motivating & scientifically sound
It will emotionally move you too you’ll love it. Have a look
& Yes, IT seems interesting from its trailers
Let me watch the part 1 first …both films are linked i believe. Maybe I’ll watch it as a reward once I touch Day 15 or something
Good day🎉
P.S.- How do you create a partition in your post? I mean, that line?
Checking in - Monday 16th September. All good, thank GOD.
@Positivebloke That documentary was great!
You make a partition by lining these up - - - - -
You are stronger than your strongest excuse.
This one took a while to sink in for me. Sometimes the urge would feel so overpowering that relapsing seemed like the only way out. Then I would feel horrible afterwards. Other times, I would be so stressed out or tired, or frustrated with life, and the urges would come, and I’d just give in.
But in studying people who had successfully quit pornography, they all developed this attitude that PMO was not an option under any circumstances. No matter how strong their urges were or what negative emotions they were experiencing in life, they would not go back.They proved to themselves that they were indeed stronger than any excuse.
Had nightfall. Woke up. Watched porn for 15-20 minutes total. Mind blocked now. Thankfully I didn’t relapse. Giving it one more try. Hard mode on. Day 1.
Week 46 - monday
All good
Week 46 ~ Monday
Idle, blurry, fall this morning
But I’m all good, Truly, Thanks be to God
Week 8 - Sep 16, Mon - Streak: 22 days
@IntegralSoul Welcome to the community man! Glad to have you join us The journey ahead of you may not be easy, but I can assure you it will all be worth it! Keep going strong
@Positivebloke Thanks for the reference! I’ll have to check out that documentary. And sounds good on the IT movie , and yes watch part 1 first, part 2 is a direct sequel.
As for me, been very stressed today. Nothing seems to be working out in my Calc class and I missed another deadline for my assignment. I’m used to always turning things in on time and being ahead of everything and so it’s driving me insane. Everything seems to be needing my time all of a sudden this week. I have a test tomorrow for my Comp Sci class that I have no clue how I am going to do on because I wasn’t able to study today. Additionally, I feel I am falling behind in my individual studies, there is just not enough time in the day!
Despite this immense frustration, I must be joyful today because I had many urges to edge, but I resisted and did none of that. This would never have happened in the past. It would have been relapse-city for me. I am learning now, and I am becoming stronger. PMO isn’t an option for me. It isnt going to fix anything. It would only turn this hellish Monday into a more hellish Monday.
So in that way, I am happy. Despite the uncertainty about tomorrow and the amount of work that is piling up, I know I am clean, and that is what matters. The rest I can work out. I always do somehow or another. Stress is good, it reminds me of deadlines, but stressing too much only hinders my ability to fix my mistakes and keep going.
This is my streak, I am going to make it.
“No man is more unhappy than he who never faces adversity. For he is not permitted to prove himself.”
Checking in - All good
Week 46 - September 17, Tuesday
Check-in Tuesday
All good
Woke up early, & stayed up early without coffee.
Apparently some good exercise can do coffee’s job for you, clearing out brain fog & helping be alert, active
A lot of testosterone is diverted to muscle building so urges are less brutal
@forerunner , It’s really good right?
That quote is actually strong
You are basically getting mood swings out of withdrawal.
Happens alot.
It’s like you just don’t feel like doing anything & you just keep procastinating necessary work.
I personally struggle alot to concentrate while studying & even start having social anxiety.
It is temporary. It will pass.
Try meditating, and don’t sleep too much✋
You’ve had this kind of stress before too. It just feels stronger now, and intolerable.
As long as you don’t relapse, there’s nothing to worry about
It feels like relapsing would end the suffering. But it actually amplifies it, we always tend to realise after the crime is done
You’ve put that nicely as “more hellish monday”
@anon67854825 Rise again friend, you’ll surely move further away from the loop . Just aim for atleast one day higher than your highest streak the next time you relapse. I’ll pray for you tomorrow first thing
Good day everyone💐
Bless you @Positivebloke
Have a blessed day, always
Check-in for Week 46 - MonDay 1 - Sep 17
Pretty busy n very tiring start to week. Slept early.
Y’day night Forum was stuck loading @ 80%. Tried updating app too. Anyone else having issue? Bad Gateway error @Taher
Check-in Tuesday 17th September
All is well.