@babadu Majority of the people struggling with PMO are glorifying the “process”. Problem is, it ain’t process. Process is just another way of saying you’re on the fence about it and u ain’t willing to commit. That you like the idea of quitting more than quitting itself. That you like dragging it out, wrestling with its up and downs. Procrastination as its finest. Truth is, it’s a one-time rip off the bandaid type of deal.
These supposed accountability partners all treat their partner’s habital relapse as they always do: rainbows and butterflies with a side of cotton candy, the oft-labeled “it’s okay bud. There’s always a next time”. You know what, it’s not okay. Realize that you pulled the trigger and it is your fault. Lets not dress this up in mellow tones and please drop the goddam coddling. Don’t get me started on the classic “Hey guys. I just completed day one. That was hard”. Wow really dude? You want a cookie? Perhaps I could indulge you with an all expense covered trip around the world. Like geez. That’s exactly the type of coddling bullshit that most people fail. That no matter if they reach day 90 or relapsed after 2 days, they get the pat in the back, handing out trophies left and right for everything under the sun.
It’s like 90 percent of the people who are unhappy with their lives and are stuck in a rut. They watch these motivational videos day in and day out. But there’s this one constant: that their lives are exactly the same, the classic inaction. The expression “actions speak louder than words” has never rung more true.
Aoshigreen has this diary running. With every relapse, without fail, there’s always these pat-in-the-back comments that takes all shapes and size but it mostly boils down to one key message: “its okay. don’t beat yourself up”. I’m here to tell you that you definitely should beat yourself up. Relapse once, it’s all good. Relapse 10 times and the routine journal entry of “damn I knew I shouldn’t have edged. Why did I do it”. Really? When it’s all said and done, the only person you’re accountable to is yourself.
This shouldn’t be a “struggle”. Its easy as fuck. This “struggle” is( drum roll ) an excuse. The boy who cried wolf. How many times before I start to wonder if you wanna quit. Or you’ re lying to yourself. I repeat: I find this incredibly easy. You should too. So no, this shouldn’t be a struggle.