Changing my life forever [20M]

I’ve been fighting for many, many years now. Since 2022 I’ve been trying to quit masturbation and corn, but I always relapse after 3-5 days. Now I have downloaded this app and will try to overcome this addiction. I want to focus on my studies, create healthy habits and become a completely new person with high self-esteem. The last few years flew by and I did nothing in all areas of my life: I didn’t learn anything, I didn’t look for new hobbies, I just rotted in my room, watched corn, Youtube, Insta Reels or went to university but did nothing. I can’t even remember the last time I really challenged myself and gave it 100%. I go to bed late and am therefore tired and unmotivated during the day. My parents are getting older, my dad is retiring in a few months and I’m 20 years old with no plan for my life. But that will change now. I am starting my journey now and by the end of the year or even in a few months I will be a changed man.
Lets goooo!!!