𝖢𝗈𝗇𝗍𝗋𝗈𝗅 𝗒𝗈𝗎𝗋 𝖬𝗂𝗇𝖽 CHALLENGE 🧠

I would prefer once every 5 days to remember it from while to while

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I would like to join. I’ve lost track on Meditation . So I wish to start from now on. Tho diary helps to track habits , having a separate challenge to track meditation helps me to provide special emphasis on this habit. I believe that will give me a good boost.


  1. Kapalbhati ( * 10 )
  2. Anulom Vilom ( * 10 )
  3. Bhastrika ( * 10 )
  4. Meditation 5 minutes

I’ll start small. Once I am consistent with it , I’ll either install new habits or make my habit tougher.



:white_check_mark: Kapalbhati ( * 10 )
:white_check_mark: Anulom Vilom ( * 10 )
:white_check_mark: Bhastrika ( * 10 )
:white_check_mark: Meditation 5 minutes


:red_circle: Phase 1

Past 3 days have been decent. This full week is very hectic for me hence I might not be that free to post updates very often.
Habits I need to be more conscious about: meditation, sleeping by 10. But sleeping by 10 is excusable, I think, because I have a lot to study and also practice going on for seniors farewell. Others are fine.

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Day 1 smoothly covered


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