Challenge a companion- ARCHIVED FIGHTS

@tanmay_ck I lost buddy

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Check in day 5!!!
Going strong

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Same here:-) let’s hope that this continues

Let’s have a 10 days strict challenge of no PMO/edging/peeking…I’m sure we can do it!!


Day 3/7 Check In
Doing good in this Journey but facing problems in my school life, gotta work like hell and also ensure my streak doesn’t break :face_with_monocle::face_with_monocle:

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@zeochs Day 5
Checking in…

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yes @tanmay_ck giving 100% percent this time. I am ready

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@zeochs Dude!!! I was looking through the history of your challenges and you’ve beaten literally every opponent who was against you???
:astonished: :flushed:
Lol I didn’t know i was against a pro in this!! :sunglasses:
Its gonna be fun!!! :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp: :right_anger_bubble::fire::fire::fire::fire:


Guys new here need some companion please help.

My sharecode powb5j


I think you are new in this forum @ajaxlam6 …please read diary of
@Tagore .you can get all things related to nofap… . And read diary of @JonSnow001 for anxiety, depression related topic…and he already discussed how he is free from smoking and p and m…
If you want to read some books or want to gain asanas ,pranayam then read @JumpingBuddha s diary…
If you know hindi properly I must say read my diary @_TIGER 's diary…I has posted a lot of pics more than 50+ related to brahmacharya.


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Well, I’m married, which definitely helps. I do want to make sure we both make it to the end, so I definitely see this as a team endeavour (so I am definitely not happy about being the sole “winner” in my previous challenges).


Well I’ll try to give you a tougher fight

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Looking forward to it :slight_smile:

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@zeochs dude I may not be able to check in for nearly 1 or 2 days.
Something urgent has come up.
But you can see my streak though…
Staying strong

I’d need your sharing code for that

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Check In :ballot_box_with_check:
Day 1 of 10 days challenge with @_KarmaYogi
From past 2 days urges are high but I’m staying strong :muscle: that minutes of pleasure won’t distract me :fire::100:

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Yo I’m back
Checking in

hii guys…i have been busy for a long time and still i am busy…how r u guys doing…?

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Hi @onepunchman
You wasn’t active in this forum since April. Glad you are returned.