Challenge a companion- ARCHIVED FIGHTS

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@rewire_user bro I would like to challenge you for 30days of nofap …

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@Samaranjay : are you up for a challenge?

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Long time no see, Challenging me :sunglasses:, Hatts off to your guts bro :smirk::smirk: Hell Yeah I accept your challenge. Bring it on ! Let’s see who wins this :+1::medal_sports::fire: I am looking for you to be a worthy opponent don’t let me down. Let’s do this. Give it all that you have got. Don’t hold back. :triumph::fire::handshake:


@Dean_Ambrose vs @rewire_user

30 days NOFAP CHALLENGE :fire::fire:

Date : 4July - 2nd August

Who will make it to 30days for the first time?


:crossed_swords: Round 3 :crossed_swords:

@Evolved :crossed_swords: @ysub 7Days (Mon 5th July - Sun 11th July)


Check :white_check_mark::+1::100:

Keep moving Foward until all my enemies are destroyed


Accepted… so we completed 2 weeks already???

Or anybody else who’s up for a challenge?


Actually this is too early, but sorry bro I’m out :disappointed::disappointed::disappointed: , I want to give a piece of advice to anime fans like me, don’t even think of watching an anime called “Akame Ga Kill” in your ReBoot journey it ruined my 4 day streak :pensive::pensive:


Bro you won , I lasted only 3 days😞


@ysub I challange you for 30days if you are not involved in any other challange


Im ready… But i think im already in a challenge with @Evolved


@ysub, Not Yet, so far we’ve completed 4 days, if round 3 is Successfully completed, then that will be a total of 11 Days.

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Bro are u editing my points??
Kindly do it for me no bro

I did not relapse bro. But I tried to masturbate one time but stopped it. Though I think it is a lose as per our challenge. So technically you won. So don’t worry.

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It was our last day of challenge @_KarmaYogi bro…but I didn’t control & relapsed at noon…but this much of efforts I won’t put in chaser again & will come up more stronger…you won!!

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Hey @tanmay_ck lets go for 10 days … and check in daily

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Yes broo let’s begin the challenge & together defeat the PMO :muscle::fire:

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I am free for a challenge. If anyone wants they can challenge me!!
I am willing to go for 15 days minimum with daily check-in(s). :o: :white_check_mark: :white_check_mark: :white_check_mark: :ballot_box_with_check: