Challenge a companion- ARCHIVED FIGHTS

@The_integrous_one, Congrats, You’ve won the Round 2, Slipped up, No Excuses, if you up for a new Challenge, I’m available.

No consecutive challenges with same person…

Im up for this…
Wanna give my debut here with u… If u r ok!

Fix days and tag me bro

No worries, reset will be at,12:00am tomorrow, always like to start from a new Day and Coincidentally it appears to also be a new month.

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@Evolved :crossed_swords: @ysub 1Day (Thur 1st July - Fri 2nd July)


@Evolved i slipped up too, I guess no one won.

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anyone wanna challenge me?

Sad to hear this, keep cool, And Keep moving, in a battle with Ysub, don’t know if two battles are possible at a time, if it is, then I’m down to that as well,

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@debellator bro count me in this challenge
sharing code: y2xuv4


@RegretHATER sure. Just challenge someone and you can battle them. I’m currently in a challenge with @zeochs

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Hi @RegretHATER. I’m up for a challenge.


I challenge you for a streak of 8 days.

Rules :

1. No watching ■■■■(Not even a small peek is allowed).

2. No masturbation.

3. No edging.

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I’m also in.:v:t2: challenge of 90 days!
(well Forever exactly for me). Who is going to join.:fire:

From July 3 - October 2

A little bit of motivation :innocent:

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@ysub, We’ve Successfully Completely Round 1, We Proceed…

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:crossed_swords: Round 2 :crossed_swords:

@Evolved :crossed_swords: @ysub 3Days (Fri, 2nd July - Sun, 4th July)

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I accept your challenge :wink: :wink:


Lets go brother @RegretHATER

Challenge starts from 3rd July time 00:00 and lasts till 10th July 23:59.

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1. No ■■■■ not even a single peek

  1. No beating your meat - not even for pleasure
  2. No edging
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Fine :wink::wink:, that is how I want to WIN in this journey


The 42 day battle with @debellator is over- sadly, @debellator lost… :frowning: thank you for a good challenge, buddy!


Thanks for a great challenge @zeochs you’re a true warrior. Hope to challenge you again soon :relieved: