Challenge a Companion 2 🤺

Did you relapse or what? @Adioz

Don’t be too hard on yourself brother @adioz… It happens, that does not mean you will punish yourself (it will not do any good) Take time and think clearly and calmly. You got this!! :+1:


By punishment I mean dont go too hard onn yourself.
For eg. After the relapse we feel low and set goals for ourself. Let’s say that my goal was to not to relapse for 10days and I relapsed before that, now I will get angry on myself and set a goal for 15 days (harder than last time in a sense to give myself punishment) (which I know is hard for me) and then I fail again at 6days (did not complete the 15day mark)
This time I will start to curse myself and I feel weak, saying I cannot even go for 6days, how am I gonaa go for 15 days. And then make a new goal for 20days or 10days and so on and adding or starting other stuff which is hard
And everytime I fail my will gets shattered, I start blaming myself for how weak I am, I am good for nothing, how am I gonna change (all the negative thoughts come in my mind), do not feel like to talk to anyone, always stay alone, feeling lonely desperate to get out of this situation and in the end relapsing again and feeling worse then ever and this really breaks our will brother (coz has happened with me, i was stuck in this for long long time).
See, how can you run a marathon when you cannot run for a km?
The point is You run for 1km and then build your stamina to run for a marathon.
So my advice for you is that (say your goal is for 25 days) break it into 5days of 5 or 2days of 12 or so on.

  1. Set a specific date that you gonna stop or start any activity (say I relapsed today and I know I will be after chaser effect and do it again. So I set a realistic goal to not fap from 27march and then I will put all my effort and will to stop myself from doing it.
    If I relapse on 26 I should not blame or go too hard on myself) (that’s my take on it coz works for me)

2.Break bigger goals into smaller ones

  1. Do not get frustrated if you do not achieve your goal (see what happened and set a new easy one so that you can feel good after achieving that and then gradually increase the diffficulty) and lastly

  2. Do not pick more than 5 tasks to do at a time eg you want to wake up early, nofap, nosmoke, avoid junk food, soft drink, bath daily, pray daily, workout etc.
    From all the task select at max 5 (I would reccomend three) and do all those tasks slowly, until it gets easy and comfortable for you to do that and then pickup other tasks and then make it easy.
    Coz it has also happened with me brother I tried to pickup too many things at once and did it for 1-3 days max and failed and cursed myself everytime (it was really hard time for me)
    So I tried this and saw that things get easier when you don’t go too hard on yourself, have patience, keep calm.
    You can do it brother!! :+1:


Hey there… anyone up for 7 days challenge… i really need a challenge…to get motivation on my 3rd and 4th day… most crucial days for me everytime…

I am up for it @neo_150 brother

Hey brother @neo_150, minimum challenge steak is 10 days. It is mentioned in rule no. 5

Ok @sikandar2907

10 days challenge with @selfconqurer


Match Announcement :mega::mega:


@neo_150 Vs @selfconqurer (28th March to 7th April )

#keep eyes on each other counter
#best of luck to both of guys!!!:v:


Hello who wants to have a 20 days challenge or above?

Hey @selfconqurer … this challenge is worthy now… my plan to use this challenge as a motivation to overcome urge on 3rd…4th day…worked successfuly.

I know myself about this and i use it… i am really happy.

Not gonna loose this time.


Yes brother @neo_150 we are both going to complete this 10 days challenge!! I know… :muscle::muscle::+1::+1::ok_hand:


Congratulations :partying_face: :clap:

@Martial_Beast & @HappySoul

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Both of you guys have successfully completed the challenge.


I challenge you for 15 days…

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I am looking for 1 week challenge, anyone?

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Hey bro, @aapoorv75 the minimum streak challenge is 10 days as per the rules. I’m ready to accept 10 days challenge, are you??

My sharing code : 15mvoc

Somebody challenge me please

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Let’s go brother 15 days challenge accepted.

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@Sans I wish to challenge you. Wanna go for a 51 days challenge? If you want a challenge of a different number of days, please do let me know! :slight_smile:

Match Announcement :mega::mega:

@Martial_Beast Vs @orelpa (5th April to 20th April)

#keep eyes on each other counter
#best of luck to both of guys!!!:v:


@saksham3 Ok let’s go for it.:blush::blush: