Cam's Journal [23 M]

So next Sunday shall be Week 1.


Welcome to the community @Camisblessed. God bless you Brother.


Week 0:

I’ve come to this realization last night: If I cannot win the war within my mind, how can I deal with challenges outside my mind correctly? I must first take every thought captive like it is said in the Bible, and rebuke every thought that contains lust and replace it with thoughts that are more pure and productive rather than destructive. Just a quick thought I wanted to share. I know that it will give me a good boost to keep going and remain aware of my thoughts as I am clearing the first week

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We all face this daily. I even still struggle with this issue. Be strong brother and don’t give up hope. Contemplate what you are thinking and your actions will speak loader than words.

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I wrote down some negative effects of a PMO relapse to encourage myself and others not to relapse

Negatives of a relapse:

-Sluggish/low energy
-Lack of clarity/brain fog
-Guilty feeling right afterwards
-Have to clear history/search history

  • Zero drive/motivation
  • Craving instant gratification afterwards/have zero interest in delayed gratification(will likely binge on junk food and short form content like YouTube and reels)
  • Have no interest in God/things of God
    -Memory problems
    -Feeling like failure/stuck in the loop of “this time I will really lock in”
    -Stutter/stumbling over my words/losing train of thought during conversation
    -Making eye contact can be very difficult
    -Way harder to get up in the morning
    -Wasted time(PMO session is usually hours)
  • Procrastination
  • Brain is wired to continue the cycle even more, instead of reversing the cycle

How To Avoid Relapse:

  • Take Every Thought Captive(2 Corinthians 10:5)
    -Practice delayed gratification(working out, reading, practice a skill)
  • Being in the present moment(stop daydreaming, stop thinking about past mistakes, stop thinking about future and worry about the current moment)(Matthew 6:34)
    -Bible Studying
    -Praise and worship
    -Limit time on phone/social media
    -Help people
    -Fellowship and community with people who also want to be better
    -Live a pure lifestyle free from drugs/drinking
  • Don’t hang around people who peer pressure or tempt you to do instant gratification

Heyo brother! You will win, even when you relapse or during bad days try to be as productive as you used to be , don’t let one slip ruin your progress. Focus on improving yourself . All the very best!

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Failed. It was such a good day too, went to work, read the Bible, prayed, went to the gym after work but then at the end of the night I failed and ending up exploring on the wrong websites on the internet. Immediately after the relapse, I got so fed up that I signed up for Ever Accountable for accountability.

I truly do need accountability, that’s what I’m missing. Because I can do everything right but still fall if I’m without accountability. So if any of you could please message me your email, so you can help me be accountable that would be great for me. The app is tracking my activity on both my phone and my laptop.

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@Camisblessed this is one of my dairy entrys that I would like to share with you. Read it carefully and state your answers.

I hope this will help brother. God bless you brother and don’t give up hope. Keep fighting and know that our Redeemer lives.

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I just happened to look at posts and saw this. That message was inspirational and very true in many ways. I will copy and paste that what, why, how, who, when, where questions to ask myself that.


Go for it. God be with you in your answer. Answer truthfully because it can change your life for the better.

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Amen brother in Christ. LORD blesses you.


Man, it’s been a long time since I’ve posted here. I’ve been on this forum here and there, but I haven’t been on here recently since about end of November maybe. Since then, I’ve had a lot of relapses here and there with my longest streak being about 15 days.

Despite doing better than I’ve done in the past(used to relapse every 2 days ALL THE TIME) I still strive for complete freedom from this habit, and that’s why I had to ask God for more wisdom to be able to stop completely and cut this off. And this week I came across a lot of information, some of it I knew but some I just came across and is new to me.

First thing I dabbled into was Spiritual Warfare, and how the devil is nonstop looking for openings to suck you in and get you to fall into temptation or any other negative emotions or feelings, something that will make your heart gradually cold and far from God. I never felt like my heart was cold or anything because I do attend church regularly, I confessed Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior, so I never really thought about the fact that I kept slipping with this habit, and that has kept me far from God.

I have still been blessed throughout these years of being manipulated and tricked through this habit, but one thing I learned is that God wants us to surrender everything to Him, anything that distracts us from truly being close to Him.

So with that I learned that the only ways to really combat the Devil’s tactics to suck you into bad habits and negative things is to obey God’s Word, pray, and also read His Word. It’s so simple but it isn’t. When you humble yourself and truly keep God’s Word in your heart, you are no longer open to the enemy’s attacks. The enemy will still try to do his best to get you to fall down that slippery slop through negative emotions and much more.

This week I’ve been reading this book on Spiritual Warfare called Unmasking The Devil: Strategies to Defeat Eternity’s Greatest Enemy by John Ramirez. The book is all about the weapons the devil can try to use against us through spirits, media and more.
And halfway into the book I came across a self deliverance prayer which I prayed aloud over my life:

"Demons are spirits, and they often exit the body as tears, coughs, burps, yawns, screams, gas, or vomit. So you might need a tissue or to have a garbage can close by and use them as needed, and remember: every demon out is one less in.
There is nothing to be afraid of, as they are going to come out of you today in Jesus Christ’s name. Just breathe regularly and let them go, in Jesus Christ’s name.
Alright, here we go:

Right now, in Jesus Christ’s name, I bind up and rebuke any strongman and all unclean spirits working inside or against me.
I bind the gatekeeper and bind all hindering spirits and demonic reinforcements from interfering with this deliverance in Jesus Christ’s name.
In Jesus Christ’s name I bind up all the principalities, powers of the air, all demonic kingdoms, dominions, thrones, and every demonic entity and unclean spirit working against me and my family.
I put you on notice, Satan that I am attacking you from my position of authority seated with the Lord Jesus Christ in the Highest of the Heavenlies.
I loose warrior angels of God to surround me right now, and I ask you, Father God, to loose a wall of fire like in Zechariah 2:5 to surround me and my family right now, in Jesus Christ’s name.
I loose warrior angels with swords to go into the lowest portion of my body and surround me and to separate all demons from the strongman and each other and spoil the demons of their power, armor, rank, and resources, in Jesus Christ’s name.
I loose the sword of the Lord to cut off all connections between the demons on the inside and the fallen angels and unclean spirits on the outside, in Jesus Christ’s name.
I execute the judgments written on all devils inside right now, and I loose the judgments of God along with fire and burning and destruction perpetual on all the devils attacking me right now, in Jesus Christ’s name and in accordance with Psalm 149:9.
I loose angels of God into attack formation and to attack all foul spirits inside of me! Charge! In Jesus Christ’s name.
Every unclean spirit that the Lord Jesus Christ wants to come out of me: come out now, and go to where the Lord Jesus Christ is sending you!
All spirits of insecurity—inferiority—every type of fear—nervousness—anxiety—insomnia:
Come out in Jesus Christ’s name!
Wounded spirit—deep, wounded hurt—abandonment—orphan spirt—trauma—superstition spirits:
Come out in Jesus Christ’s name!
Spirit of heaviness—depression—hopelessness—worry—sadness—isolation—suicide:
Come out in Jesus Christ’s name!
Every spirit of cigarettes—alcohol—nicotine—marijuana—gluttony—eating disorders—rebellion—cursing—foul mouth—all psychotropic drugs and sorcery:
Come out in Jesus Christ’s name!
Lying—cheating—murder—revenge—abortions—coveting—slander—mocking—rage—angry man—jealous—deceit:
Come out in Jesus Christ’s name!
Come out in Jesus Christ’s name!
Doubt and unbelief—confusion—chaos—antichrist spirits:
Come out in Jesus Christ’s name!
Pride—big pride—little pride—stiff necked pride—ugly pride:
Come out in Jesus Christ’s name!
All spirits of witchcraft, idolatry, divination, necromancy, Ouija board, séance, tarot cards, consulting with psychics:
Come out in Jesus Christ’s name!
Spirits that came in from reiki, yoga, martial arts, transcendental meditation, reading occult books, Wicca, Hecate, the Goddess, Freemasonry, eastern star:
Come out in Jesus Christ’s name!
All spirits of Santeria—Palo Mayombe—Chango—Eckinkar—New Age spirits—another JESUS—meditation—acupuncture—acupressure—spiritualism:
Come out in Jesus Christ’s name!
I loose the sword of the Lord to cut and chop all kundalini, python, and serpentine spirits off of my spine and in my body:
Come out in Jesus Christ’s name!
I bind and rebuke all spirits of mind control—occult mind binding—mind binders—octagon—squid—oculus—witchcraft mind control.
I break your power and cut all control spirits connected to my mind, and all matriarchal and patriarchal control spirits connected to me, in Jesus Christ’s name:
Come out in Jesus Christ’s name!
I break and cut all psychic heredity—all lay lines—all ungodly soul ties connected to me and command them to:
Come out in Jesus Christ’s name!
Spirits that came in through adultery—incest—rape—fornication—all spirits of sexual fantasy—incubus—succubus—Asmodeous—Osmodeous—internet ■■■■—lust—masturbation—■■■■ sex—bestiality—homosexuality—sodomy, I bind and rebuke you and command you to loose me:
Come out in Jesus Christ’s name!
Spirit husband—spirit wife—marriage-breaking spirits—infidelity—wife swapping—divorce—frigidity:
Come out in Jesus Christ’s name!
All vagabond spirits—hindering spirits—blessing blockers—religious spirits:
Come out in Jesus Christ’s name!
All spirits of sickness, premature death, destruction, root of bitterness, cancer, asthma, all infirmities:
Come out in Jesus Christ’s name!
Father God, I ask you to loose civil war into the demons’ camp and cause every demon to attack one another now, in Jesus Christ’s name.
I command my strongman to start throwing out the demons under its command now! In Jesus Christ’s name.
I loose the arrows of the Lord God dipped in the blood of Jesus to rain down and impale the demons in Jesus’s name.
I loose the hornets of the Lord to sting the demons and drive them out in Jesus Christ’s name.
Angels of God! Attack these spirits and cut the strongman away and hook and pull them out in Jesus Christ’s name
I loose the fire of God on every demon, in Jesus’s name.
I loose fiery destruction on all demons, in Jesus’s name.
I loose the fear of the Lord into every demon, in Jesus’s name.
Angels of God, burn the demons’ scrolls, banners, flags, standards, and seals, and break their cups in Jesus Christ’s name.
I rebuke you foul spirits—come out in Jesus Christ’s name.
Move! Out! Out! Out! Come out! In Jesus Christ’s name.
I am giving you demons a few more seconds to come out and then I am going to cage you up.
Father God, I ask You to loose warrior angels to go in and cage every demon by itself in a cage filled with the blood of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Angels of God, slice these devils, scourge them, read the Word of God to them night and day, and sing the songs from the old Gospel hymnals like “There Is Power in the Blood” until they come out! In Jesus Christ’s name.
Demons, I bind you from being able to communicate with one another and you will not harm me or my family in any way. All you can do is come out and confess Jesus Christ as Lord and then go to where the Lord Jesus Christ sends you—never to return.
Keep coming out in Jesus Christ’s name!
Angels of God—execute the order in Jesus Christ’s name and cage every remaining foul spirit, until next time in deliverance or they release me.
Every demon, as you come out, you are ordered to go to where the Lord Jesus Christ sends you and never return.
I seal this deliverance with the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ. I pray over myself God’s spirits of power—love—sound mind—deliverance—health—fear of the lord—grace—mercy—excellent spirit—in Jesus Christ’s name.
Father God, I ask You to send the Holy Spirit now to fill up every void in me.
Bind all demonic backlash—retaliation—revenge or retribution from attacking me and my family, my finances, my ministries, my purpose, and my destiny, In Jesus Christ’s name."

Yes it is super long but I managed to go through all of it because I really wanted to be delivered. But with that being said, you can still lose deliverance if you are not obedient to the Word of God. It says somewhere in the Word that if you do not keep Christ within you (prayer, obedience, reading the Word) those same spirits will seek to come within you once again, and if they see that you are not filled with the Holy Spirit and His word and have been disobedient to His Word, they will come again but this time multiplied by 7. I feel like that might have happened to me in the past, because I did a self deliverance from another book while fasting and the next week I didn’t truly change and still indulged in this bad habit.

Anyways that goes to my next point: Willful Sin

When we have knowledge of a certain sin and its consequences and still commit it, that is called Willful sin.

Hebrews 10:26 says, “For if we deliberately go on sinning after receiving the knowledge of the truth, there no longer remains a sacrifice for sins”.

I’ve committed willful sin for too long. I knew I HAD to be delivered from this, and truly repent for what I had done which was continually grieving the Holy Spirit which resides in me. I can’t keep doing it, knowing that if I die still in sin and “repenting” afterwards, there’s no doubt that Jesus would look me in the face and reject me, saying “I never knew you” and it would be because of the sin that I couldn’t let go.

This is all spiritual things that we need to take heed of and take more seriously, because our eternity is on the line. When we let go of this sin and all our other sin that keeps us from God, our rewards will be very great. And it’s not even completely about the rewards to me, it’s about just being able to receive eternal life. Just having eternal life is enough for me, but of course I accept the things that will be included for my obedience. I want to always keep in mind when I’m tempted, what is truly on the line. It just isn’t your seed and your masculinity and the brain fog going away. It’s not just about these physical and mental benefits. You’re literally risking your eternal life and putting that on the line, not knowing what can happen after that binge session or whatever session you give into on the screen or in your imagination or with that woman that is outside of marriage. Think about what you are missing when you give into that.

There is one last point that I didn’t bring up, and it just slipped my mind as I’m typing. It’ll come back to me I’m sure, and when it does I’ll make another post. I think I’ve said enough as of right now. I’ll try to update this journey regularly to let you guys know more about my journey and my spiritual growth on my walk with Christ as well.

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