Book Reading Club: Rational Recovery


For me,

  • Willpower has not worked
  • Posting my diary has not worked
  • Site blockers have not worked
  • Challenges have not worked

I’ve reached the point where, for me, the conventional methods of beating this addiction have not worked. Now I’m seeking help from a professional, by reading their book


The book Rational Recovery introduces the idea of AVRT - Addictive Voice Recognition Technique, which is a non willpower and non accountability based technique. I started reading this book, and now want to finish it.

If you’d like to join me, please buy the book, or if you are not able to, you can find it here:


  • Everytime you have an urge just think, “instead of struggling, I could be reading to understand my urge better.” And start reading.
  • If that doesn’t work and you start looking, tell yourself you’ll “read just 10 pages and go back to what you were doing before”.
  • If you relapse, punish yourself by reading the next chapter.

Don’t tell yourself you don’t have time to read. If you make time for p***, you have no excuses to not make the equivalent amount of time or more to combat it.

There are 323 pages so we’ll aim for around 50 pages per week (don’t worry the size of the pages are small). Discuss key insights on this forum.

Reading pacemaker every saturday:
Jul 22 - chapters 1-3
Jul 29 - chapters 4-8
Aug 5 - chapters 9-11
Aug 12 - chapters 12-13
Aug 19 - chapters 14-17
Aug 26 - chapters 18-21


Great Initiative bro , I will surely join you when the exams are finished. Wishing you all the best !!!


Good work, bro! You can do this!! You can do this! Good work!


Done with the first three chapters. Some things that I thought were interesting:

  • Any negative thinking or anytime you try to come up for a reason to relapse, that’s the beast voice not you. Listen to it and reject it
  • Stop trying to fix the cause. If you fap because you’re stressful, trying to not be stressful is pointless because life is stressful. The beast is the one telling you the cause is stress or bordom or whatever. People who don’t watch ■■■■ don’t do it even if they are stressful, so the beasts argument doesn’t make sense
  • (This one might be controversial) stop counting. If you know you won’t do it again, then there’s no point to count. Counting is a beasts way of tricking you: “you gone more days than before, so it’s okay to watch” counting days is a trap.

For those following me by the way, I’m aiming to drop watching ■■■■ and will continue to fap. That’s just my goal because I hate the fact I get pleasure from such a terrible industry.

I’ll try pull more quetes and insights as I read the book, so if you’re interested follow along!

Without P how will you fap? may i know?

because at the end you are watching P only. You.will create scenarios in your head, dont you? else how is it possible?

Yep imagination. If I’m really horny it’s easy to imagine something.
Sometimes I start fapping and can’t continue cause the imagination isn’t strang. I just shrug it off and continue with my day. It’s weird cause when addicted to ■■■■ the goal is to ■■■. But without ■■■■ it’s just to feel good. And if I don’t ■■■, that’s fine.

Though, I recommend only doing this with Addictive voice recognition tecnique (avrt). I’ve fallen into traps in the past where I imagine something, and have the urge to watch what I imagine.

Nowadays, I recognize the beast is what voices that desire, and reason that I probably will not find what I’m looking for and frustratingly scroll endlessly to find it. It’s easier to choose to not watch when your options are:

  • you feel good right now and can stop
  • you feel good right now and can listen to the beast to feel more frustrated and then worse after relapsing

Logically everyone on the forms know why ■■■■ is bad but can never recognize it when it matters. Using AVRT constantly to find when the beast is trying to trick me kindof just brings me back to my senses? somehow?

Just now I thought “I don’t always recognize it but Im’ getting better at it” - but thta thought might be the besats thought actually because I’m impling It’s okay if I watch sometimes because I’m getting better.

It’s like having a lot of small battles easy to win battles in your mind.

I’m still learning but the tecnique is promising

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