Body Transformation Challenge 2024 [Challenge Ended]

I’ve been wanting to create this challenge for past few months. But I was hesitant at first because it would reveal one of my biggest weakness like PMO.

I’ll make it straight. I am an obese person . I am 5’11 tall with weight near to 100 KG. I am consistent with Gym but consistent with eating junk food too making me look like musclar - fatty man. My stomach and legs bulged out but at the same time hard as rock.

We have an equipment at gym which calculate muscle and fat mass. I have both of them twice than needed for my height.

So I’ll be brief. This Challenge is to get me to my ideal weight. I am not a big fan of posting my half naked body because I am somewhat insecure with it. But I’ll post it when I reach my ideal weight.

What I gonna do ?

I have a weighing machine in my home. I’ll take the photo of it and update everyday. My plan is to reach 75 KG by 1 January 2025.

Others can also join after answering these questions

  1. What is your current weight ?

  2. What is your ideal weight ?

  3. How ur gonna achieve that ?

  4. How you will be accountable for your actions ( weighing everyday , Exercise check in , No Junk Food Check in etc )

So yeah that’s all i have to say right now. Hope everything goes well :v:


This challenge is now closed. If you are looking for a challenge to join, you might find one in the Latest Challenge topics


Current Weight - 101.1 KG
Ideal Weight - 75 KG
End Date - 1 January 2025

March 2024 ( Monthly Avg = )

18 March - 101.1 KG
19 March - 99.8 KG
20 March - 99.1 KG
21 March - 99.0 KG


Current Weight = 64 KG
Ideal Weight = 64 KG

March 2024


Current Weight - 94.4 KG
Required weight - 85 KG
Ideal Weight - 80 KG

End Date for required weight - 1 June 2024
End Date for ideal weight - 1 June 2024 (optional)

March 2024 ( Weekly records(Sun) = )

Sun 17 March - 94.4 KG


18 MARCH 2024

Weight - 101.1 KG

Not a great start but who does. If a hero had a good start , He might not remain as a hero till the end of the story.


This is your BMI ( body mass index )
And the range of the ideal weight for your height


Thanks for that. That surely helped. So I should lie btw 18.5 and 25. Its possible . We have won over the biggest desires of a man through No fap.

Junk Food is more like a minion. I am not cocky but I can get over this :muscle:


Don’t mention it

Yeah this is for your body mass index which is calculated by weight (kg) ÷ (height)2 ( m2)
As for your healthy weight you should remain between 60.2 kg and 81.3 kg
And to achieve that you need to lose at least 19.7 kg

  1. 64 kg
  2. Maintain the same (lean gain)
  3. Regular gymming and basketball
  4. I want to decrease my body fat percentage. Currently it’s around 18%, I want to see if I can get it to around 12-15%

Most important for me is to stay consistent in the gym and to eat healthy so I will check in that.
I always weigh in once a week, every Wednesday so I’ll keep updating that as well.

At college it’s very easy. Going home and eating delicious home food and gaining fat is the tough part.


My current weight 66 KG. Should I join this challenge ?


If your weight is over / under weight as per BMI. I would suggest you join us.


Yoo, I’d like to join this challenge.

Age 20, height 6’1(186 cm)

  1. 94.3 kg
  2. 80 kg
  3. eat less, move more, that’s it
  4. No sugar, No junk food, No floury

I have some experience. In the last 6 weeks, I lost 11 kg. This was achieved during a long period of PMO addiction (I mean during those 6 weeks I watched and did dirty things), without PMO I think you can achieve even better results (now I started the path to fight PMO)


@debellator bro. Can you make 2nd post Wiki ?


19 MARCH 2024

After my last update , did some chest and tricep workout at Gym. Did 40 KG chest press. That’s my PR for chest press.

Then ate light for dinner. Hope it continues like this.


1 kg in one day is cool, well done


My transformation Goal till the next month -

My current weight is 60 Kgs, I’m not using BMI as it can be misleading rather I’m focusing on body fat percentage because I want that lean muscle built.

Ideal weight 62 Kgs (shredded).

I will work on abdomen and focus on a healthy protein rich diet.

Check ins

  1. 20 minutes high intensity abdomin workout
  2. Overall Gym 5 times a week
  3. A good protein rich diet
  4. No Junk food
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2nd Post is editable. I request the Participants @debellator , @anon75514626 , @JackWallery and @Awaken_one to update your progress there.

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How are things going?

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Going well bro. I will update soon. Thanks for asking :slightly_smiling_face:

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Was good till today afternoon . After that I planned to go to Gym but didn’t. I admit I got lazy. Didn’t ate any junk Food till now. That’s a good news.

Will make things better by tomorrow.


I have started developing abs, they are slightly visible.
I want to post but I will save it for the next week, my body fat percentage is still high. I am not proud.

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You may not be proud of where you are now. But you can be proud you are not where you were before. Take pride in your progress, because it is not something that happened by itself.