Block porn challenge

Sharing code - qx9fy3

Current streak - 2 days *
Highest streak - 138 days *
Age - 23
Gender - M
Location - SA

Porn blocker used: I don’t use one

Why I want to create a group ?

Welcome to the group,

See I created the group, since porn is also a major thing most are dealing with. Also I don’t feel good about porn blockers even though they are a good thing a lot will either delete the app due to frustration or bypass it in a way.

So I want to make this challenge in order for guys to block porn by themselves and also to get motivated in staying on course and also share opinion and views on methods or even porn blockers.

I know wow very controversial as in it is okay to use and disscuss porn blockers even though I dislike them and want to learn by doing it by myself. The main goal of this challenge is to stop porn addiction and this is what really matters!

Thanks for the read and support and good luck stay strong and awesome




@Cubenix :x:

@StealthChopperinbond :ballot_box_with_check:


@Ritesh_k99 :x: :no_mobile_phones:

Noporn scoreboard

29 Sept to 29 October :
@Cubenix vs @Ritesh_k99 ___________________________

No delete scoreboard

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Ok i am with you

Highest streak: 6d 18 hrs
Current streak: 5d 20hrs
15 years

Hello again thanks for your read and joining up. Sorry I haven’t mentioned rules terms and conditions as I was clumsy and accidentally posted it. Much appreciated for @Taher 's help and also the app team !

I added a small bit for new readers in the opening to it. That the goal of this is to beat porn addiction.

Okay now let’s get down to bussiness the rules and t’s and c’s of the challenge.

*As demonstrated by @StealthChopperinbond and metioned at the start please give me this info to add you to the challenge scoreboard.

  • Secondly as mentioned you are welcome to share your method of beating porn and also promote a porn blocker! Also any questions regarding this topic are also welcome.

Eventhough this is a challenge bare in mind this is a friendly challenge where we motivate and be healthy compition for each other. And this is a journey to inspire and build up. So any motivational post, memes and anti-porn stuff is also welcome to be posted here.

  • Thirdly the way it is going to go down is as followed.

Should you be a person to delete or bypass porn blockers and wish to challenge someone in a No delete challenge please feel free to mention for example

I challenge @ Cubenix to a no delete challenge for 15 days.

Should you wish to also have a clean sheet with no blockers you could do it like this.

I challenge @ Cubenix to a no porn streak for 30 days.

I will also update the scoreboard and devide it into 3 for the no porn, no delete and if you also to show you have enrolled. And also signs will be added like :ballot_box_with_check: :x: to show if you are available for a challenge. Also should you wish to stay on this topic and just want a break please also notify me and I’ll add :no_entry_sign: to show that you are inactive.

This will be a semi- eliminating challenge should you relapse in porn or delete you won’t be able to rechallenge the winner as I would like the winners to compete in order to grow more.

Also the same for those who lost to in a challenge to really spike up the motivation and spice things up. There is no actual losers here as we all are winners in the effort of beating porn is the first step! I just wanna avoid rechallenges early on so you could also compete against others and to face your ‘boss’ level to beat the one you lost to.

The winners will receive a medal and this medal will also rank up to know who you could challenge after a successful round .

In addition you might receive an additional medal at certain time intervals like we get badges for the streak. This will be your porn free streak and will be monitored by me and the admin team which I will appoint at a later stage!

So this works entirely independent from your no masterbation streak. So you won’t be penalise should you masterbate WITHOUT porn.

Please also confirm that you are on the score board! By liking the post and please add yourself to it in the two departments.

Announcements will be made that the challege starts and ends between guys as soon as it is excepted!

Good luck and stay strong and awesome !

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I’m in.
Current streak: 3 days
Highest streak: 12 days
Gender: male
Age: 18

Welcome @Saim good luck to future challenges!

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I’d like too please extend an invite to:

@neetwarrior, @nofapstar123, @NEW_CHALLENGER, @Adioz_aka_Adidas, @Ritesh_k99, @Marcio and others.

Please help me to grow this challenge if you don’t need it please tell others about it.

Thanks for the read and support and good luck stay strong and awesome!

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What’d be the rules I didn’t understand.

Small mistake so sorry about I change my info with a porn blocker being used to please metion this to and I’ll add a :no_mobile_phones: for a blocker that if you use it in the score board too.

Okay now it will be easier to understand. You can choose to use a porn blocker since guys delete it in order to watch porn again I have made a challenge section to use in order to challenge someone in not deleting the blocker.

Should you wish to just challenge someone without the use of a porn blocker and just try to do it yourself and learn techniques or share techniques in doing it this is the place to do it.

You can also post advice and memes to motivate or video’s to do it.

The scoreboard is there to show if your available for a challenge and the also on goinf challenges will be shown in either the no porn or no delete category in which ever you challenge someone to.

Like if you wanna challenge me to a porn free streak of 15 days you can announce it. Meaning should you have a porn blocker it is fine to call it as well as long as you don’t watch porn during these 15 days.

Should we both win or either wins we have a medal. Therefore you could only be challenge guys in that ‘league’. Should you lose to me then you can’t rechallenge me unless you work your way up to my league or I rechallenge you.

This is only to add motivation to best your no porn streak. I will give another medal to you in celbration of say a 15 day streak like the badges on the app. This streak is independent from your masterbation streak. So if you relapse due to masterbation only you’ll not be penelised here and lose to your challenger

Sorry @Saim and @StealthChopperinbond I forgot to add this in the regestration aswell !

Thanks for the read and support and good luck and sorry for the slip up

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Got it I don’t delete it tho still I’m up for it

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Super okay I’l add you in the challenge scoreboard!

Okay then let’s go then I challenge @Ritesh_k99 to a no porn streak for 30 days. Do you accept? This will be from 29 September- 29 October.

Good luck!

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thanks for the invitation. I had accepted another invitation to participate in a challenge in October. but the participants would be forced to write that “the lord of the rings is good” but I will not do that. So if this challenge is not against my faith, it will be an honor to participate in it. and I accept for sure.

No religion is influenced or discriminated just to kill porn bro that’s all!

Yes i do accept it. Let get this done.

:loud_sound::loud_sound: Announcement :loud_sound::loud_sound:


@Cubenix vs @Ritesh_k99

No porn for 30 days

From 29 September to 29 October

Good luck and let’s stop porn!

:loud_sound::loud_sound: Announcement :loud_sound::loud_sound:

Hey there guys please note on the following changes to the challenge.

Sorry guys I just build this challenge out of desperation to help. Well this isn’t a very well made. I deeply apologise for that.

So rather personal challenges will still be optional. And any challenges started still in effect.

So this challenge will go on monthly for 30 days duration. Any personal challenge for 90 days or whatever is welcome here.

Should you relapse by watching porn a weeks penalty will be in effect to re-enter again.

So in this starting from 3 October 2020 we all go for 30 days. Till 2 Nov 2020.the availability of the challenges as mentioned is only you versus a
someone else.

So please note : @Ritesh_k99, @Saim,@StealthChopperinbond and others of the changes!

Terribly sorry about the poor construction.

Good luck and stay strong and awesome!!

Hey there strong worriors looking good!

It’s been a week since the challenge habe been initiated for all from the 3 Oct. Hope you all are beating this evil and keep at it!!

Good luck and stay strong and awesome!!

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