Benefits of staying porn-free for 37 days

I want to mention some mental changes that I’m seeing in me for not watching porn for straight 37 days and no hiccups.

  1. I have started taking my surrounding and people around me more seriously.

  2. I had a dream while sleeping, that I was feeding a hungry stray cat and adopting it. Dreams of compassion and love.

  3. I keep my room super clean and highly organized.

  4. Not complacent. I speak up against my seniors and learn new ideas from my juniors.

  5. I get pleasure while helping (teaching) others in same area of interest.

  6. I’m vehemently against wasting time. I calculate time like currency coins and notes. You don’t spend them away, you invest them.

  7. Fell in love with the internet and phone because every click or finger tap goes to seeking knowledge and connecting with the right network of people and organization. I respect the internet like the way i will respect my mother and women.

  8. I have started giving people the benefit of the doubt. I’m more relaxed and less anxious. Although I’m born with anxiety issues, also slightly neurotic.

  9. I started believing in freedom, freewill and willpower is scarce, saving it and investing that in valuable activities is a win-win.

  10. I take life more seriously. And I’m learning the art of cherry picking and not accept just about anything that comes my way.

So these are the benefits I’m enjoying and also building in life.


It is really nice to hear a success story like this. How do you overcome your urge whenever it comes?

Channelizing thoughts into productive work. Avoid idle time because time is the biggest core component of reality that we live in. So I make use of it to my fullest potential, instead of complicating things, I look for black and white strategy to keep things straightforward. It has worked for me.