BBmediocrity's Diary

Oct 22

Obligations- level 6/10

  1. punctuality- 2/5
  2. mindfulness- 2/5

Studies- level 4/10

TMM- 5/6


  1. morning- 2/2
  2. in between- 0/2

English- :heavy_check_mark:

Evening relaxation- :heavy_multiplication_x:

Had a good day Alhamthulillah.

1 Like

Oct 24

Obligations- level 2/10

  1. punctuality- 0/5
  2. mindfulness- 1/5

Studies- level 0/10

TMM- 0/6


  1. morning- 0/2
  2. in between- 0/2

English- :heavy_check_mark:

Evening relaxation- :heavy_multiplication_x:

Improvements to be done- Increase sincerity towards prayer.

Severe headache, so can’t study Today.

1 Like

Oct 24

I can hear 2 voices inside my head

One louder voice shouting at me to mindlessly switch between apps, watch movies and play games without caring about my most important goal in my life

Another feebler voice telling me to study, work on my weak concepts and make use of this valuable free time.

today I am going to listen and follow the latter one

Obligations- level 1/10

  1. punctuality- 1/5 (must improve)
  2. mindfulness- 2/5

Studies- level 1/10

TMM- 0/6


  1. morning- 0/2
  2. in between- 0/2

English- :heavy_check_mark:

Evening relaxation- :heavy_check_mark:

Improvements to be done- punctuality, don’t overthink and waste the will power, TMM, # I am not taking full responsibility & I am procrastinating a lot, today I had a good start but as the day progressed I again became mediocre.

Tomorrow’s tasks- 1) exercise 30d challenge
2) complete :star::star: lectures
3) after prayer tasks

Good things done today- spent valuable time with my family, reading.


I’m with you! :muscle: :muscle: :muscle:

Today will be an amazing studying day for you!

1 Like

Thanks a lot for your support.

I am really grateful for true friends like you and others friends here who encourage me a lot☺.
Thank you

Oct 25

Obligations- level 6/10

  1. punctuality- 2/5
  2. mindfulness- 2/5

Studies- level 1/10

TMM- 0/6


  1. morning- 0/2
  2. in between- 0/2
  3. 30d challenge- 2/2

English- :heavy_check_mark:

Evening relaxation- :heavy_check_mark:

Improvements to be done- 1) reading is the 1st step in learning but I don’t even read a book even for exams I am just watching lectures instead of reading.

Tomorrow’s tasks- 1) TMM

Good things done today- 1) spent time with family 2) punctuality in prayer 3) tried sth new for studying

Oct 26

TMM- 6/6 (29d challenge)

Obligations- level 5/10

  1. punctuality- 2/5
  2. mindfulness- 3/5

Studies- level 4/10

After a long gap, again started learning thro habit stacking and Pomodoro method.


  1. morning- 2/2
  2. in between- 0/2
  3. 30d challenge- 2/2

English- :heavy_check_mark:

Evening relaxation- :heavy_check_mark:

Improvements to be done- more focus on daily tasks. Today tasks - 2.5/6

Tomorrow’s tasks- 1) 4 lectures + 2

Good things done today- 1) good time spent with family 2) reading. 3) exercised


Oct 28

TMM- 6/6 (29d challenge)

Obligations- level 5/10

  1. punctuality- 2/5
  2. mindfulness- 3/5

Studies- level 5/10


  1. morning- 2/2
  2. in between- 0/2
  3. 30d challenge- 2/2

English- :heavy_check_mark:

Evening relaxation- :heavy_multiplication_x:

Improvements to be done- focus both on reading and watching online lectures instead of watching alone. And after studying few things don’t be complacent.

Tomorrow’s tasks- 3 lectures, pending flashcards

Good things done today- reading, habit stacking, Pomodoro, spent time with family

Oct 28

TMM- 0/6 (29d challenge) (2d streak, I must be more consistent, this should be the last excuse)

Watching lectures:Reading :arrow_right: 0:3

Obligations- level 5/10

  2. mindfulness- 4/5

Studies- level 2/10


  1. morning- 0/2
  2. in between- 0/2
  3. 30d challenge- 2/2

English- :heavy_check_mark:

Improvements to be done- Be consistent in TMM, this postponement is an wonderful opportunity with a lot of free time to learn a lot so dont lose it.

Tomorrow’s tasks- 1) lectures histo 2) complete chapter 4 3) spend time with family

Good things done today- 1) although I got up late I was enthusiastic and studied 2) read more than yesterday

  1. didn’t waste time on entertainment but don’t know what I did, today just passed away like air passing away from an untied balloon, I have completed some of today’s tasks but I have not been upto the mark ie) level 10, today is spent as a mediocre day. Most of my days are like this. But if I want to pursue my goals which is close to impossible, I must be mindful throughout the day.
1 Like

Oct 29

TMM- 0/6 (29d challenge)

Watching lectures:Reading :arrow_right: 0:1

Obligations- level 2/10

  2. mindfulness- 2/5

Studies- level 1/10


  1. morning- 0/2
  2. in between- 0/2
  3. 30d challenge- 2/2

English- :heavy_check_mark:

Improvements to be done- 1)PUNCTUALITY 2) reading before sleep

Tomorrow’s tasks- 1) lectures

Good things done today- 1) reading

wasted today with entertainment with no studies no exercise…

Oct 30
3 days of continuous mediocrity

Oct 31

TMM- 3/6 (29d challenge)

Watching lectures:Reading :arrow_right: 1:2

Obligations- level 7/10

  2. mindfulness- 3/5

Studies- level 2/10


  1. morning- 2/2
  2. in between- 0/2
  3. 30d challenge- 2/2

English- :heavy_multiplication_x:

Improvements to be done- following the schedule, watching useful & motivating videos instead of unnecessary scrolling

Tomorrow’s tasks- …

Good things done today- prayer, reading, revision, spent time with family

1 Like

Nov 1

New month, new opportunity

TMM- 5/6 (29d challenge)

Watching lectures:Reading :arrow_right: 3:2

Obligations- level 5/10

  2. mindfulness- 3/5

Studies- level 3/10


  1. morning- 2/2
  2. in between- 0/2
  3. 30d challenge- 2/2

English- :heavy_check_mark:

Improvements to be done- don’t compensate in reading and habits stacking

Tomorrow’s tasks- lectures

Good things done today- didn’t give in to lustful thoughts, fought them back,

Sleep routine
Brush teeth- :heavy_check_mark:
story telling- :heavy_multiplication_x:
Reciting Quran-
Reading- :heavy_check_mark:

1 Like

Nov 2

TMM- 3/6 (29d challenge)

Watching lectures:Reading :arrow_right: 1:1

Obligations- level 4/10

  2. mindfulness- 3/5

Studies- level 1/10


  1. morning- 2/2
  2. in between- 0/2
  3. 30d challenge- 2/2

English- :heavy_multiplication_x:

Sleep routine
Brush teeth- :heavy_check_mark:
story telling- :heavy_check_mark:
Reciting Quran- :heavy_check_mark:
Reading- :heavy_check_mark:

Nov 3

TMM- 0/6 (29d challenge)

Watching lectures:Reading :arrow_right: 0

Obligations- level 1/10

  2. mindfulness- 0/5

Studies- level 1/10


  1. morning- 2/2
  2. in between- 0/2
  3. 30d challenge- 1/2

Sleep routine
Brush teeth- :heavy_check_mark:
story telling- :heavy_check_mark:
Reciting Quran- :heavy_check_mark:
Reading- :heavy_multiplication_x:

Nov 4

TMM- 1/6 (29d challenge)

Watching lectures:Reading :arrow_right: 4:0

Obligations- level 8/10

  2. mindfulness- 2/5

Studies- level 4/10


  1. morning- 0/2
  2. in between- 0/2
  3. 30d challenge- 2/2

English- :heavy_multiplication_x:

Improvements to be done- 1) if you don’t get up early then you are not sincere about your goals. Sincerity = getting up early

Good things done today- punctuality

Sleep routine
Brush teeth- :heavy_check_mark:
story telling- :heavy_check_mark:
Reciting Quran- :heavy_multiplication_x:
Reading- :heavy_check_mark:

1 Like

Nov 5

TMM- 0/6 (29d challenge)

Watching lectures:Reading :arrow_right: 4/0

Obligations- level 4/10

  2. mindfulness- 3/5

Studies- level 2/10


  1. morning- 0/2
  2. in between- 0/2
  3. 30d challenge- 0/2

English- :heavy_multiplication_x:

Improvements to be done-

Good things done today-

Sleep routine
Brush teeth- :heavy_multiplication_x:
story telling- :heavy_check_mark:
Reciting Quran- :heavy_multiplication_x:
Reading- :heavy_multiplication_x:

Nov 7

TMM- 0/6 (29d challenge)

Watching lectures:Reading :arrow_right: 2:0

Obligations- level 3/10

  2. mindfulness- 2/5

Studies- level 1/10


  1. morning- 0/2
  2. in between- 0/2
  3. 30d challenge- 2/2


Sleep routine
Brush teeth-:heavy_check_mark:
story telling-:heavy_check_mark:
Reciting Quran-:heavy_multiplication_x:
Reading- :heavy_multiplication_x:

Nov 8

TMM- 0/6 (29d challenge)

Watching lectures:Reading :arrow_right: 5:1

Obligations- level 2/10

  2. mindfulness- 2/5

Studies- level 4/10
Study challenge- :heavy_check_mark:


  1. morning- 0/2
  2. in between- 0/2
  3. 30d challenge- 2/2

English- :heavy_multiplication_x:

Improvements to be done- don’t be a nice guy and put other’s priorities before yours. Be yourself, you are perfectly imperfect.

Good things done today- read NMMNG

Sleep routine
Brush teeth- :heavy_check_mark:
story telling- :heavy_check_mark:
Reciting Quran- :heavy_check_mark:
Reading- :heavy_multiplication_x:

Nov 9

TMM- 6/6 (29d challenge)

Watching lectures:Reading :arrow_right: 2:0

Obligations- level /10

  2. mindfulness- /5

Studies- level /10


  1. morning- 2/2
  2. in between- 0/2
  3. 30d challenge- 2/2

English- :heavy_multiplication_x:

Improvements to be done-

Tomorrow’s tasks-

Good things done today-

Sleep routine
Brush teeth-
story telling-
Reciting Quran-

1 Like

Nov 10

TMM- 6/6 2d streak

Watching lectures:Reading :arrow_right: 7:0

Obligations- level 8/10

  2. mindfulness- 3/5

Studies- level 5/10


  1. morning- 2/2
  2. in between- 0/2
  3. 30d challenge- 2/2

English- :heavy_multiplication_x:

Sleep routine
Brush teeth- :heavy_check_mark:
story telling- :heavy_check_mark:
Reciting Quran- :heavy_check_mark:
Reading- :heavy_multiplication_x:

Nov 11

TMM- 0/6 0d streak

Watching lectures:Reading :arrow_right: 4:0

Obligations- level 6/10

  2. mindfulness- 2/5

Studies- level 3/10
Gray’s anatomy pg705, 706 :heavy_check_mark:
Physiology pg122, 123 :heavy_check_mark:
Lippincott pg1,2 :heavy_check_mark:


  1. morning- 0/2
  2. in between- 0/2
  3. 30d challenge- 0/2

English- :heavy_multiplication_x:

Sleep routine
Brush teeth- :heavy_check_mark:
story telling- :heavy_multiplication_x:
Reciting Quran- :heavy_check_mark:
Reading- :heavy_multiplication_x:

Today has been a very bad day for me. I confessed to my friends about my unproductive life. And after that for one day I worked with full motivation studying more than 8 hrs but after that I was down again. Yesterday and today I didn’t got up early. That makes me a lot of sadness for me, bcoz my conscience tells me that I am not following my dream. Any advice @FlowForCourage

Nov 12

TMM- 0/6 0d streak :cry:

Watching lectures:Reading :arrow_right: 1:0

Obligations- level 0/10

  2. mindfulness- 0/5

Studies- level 0/10
Gray’s anatomy pg :heavy_multiplication_x:
Physiology pg :heavy_multiplication_x:
Lippincott pg :heavy_multiplication_x:


  1. morning- 0/2
  2. in between- 0/2
  3. 30d challenge- 0/2

English- :heavy_multiplication_x:

Sleep routine
Brush teeth- :heavy_multiplication_x:
story telling- :heavy_check_mark:
Reciting Quran- :heavy_multiplication_x:
Reading- :heavy_multiplication_x: