Bad luck and Masturbation

I have experienced many times that when I masturbate I experience badluck and nothing goes according to me.

But after streak of a week I experience many good and sudden events in my life .


Trick the brain, you are doing well, you will arrive the moment that you prefer being absent of masturbation than jerking off. That day will be the best of your life or at least one of the best.


That’s Karma my brother (if you believe it), it is absolutely real. Or you may say God is watching you if you believe in God (I believe both are reasons). So many chinese nofappers have experienced and shared it. Anyhow, following lust means violating morality, and nofap means giving up sensual pleasure for greater purpose. The divine will pay you back for your effort :slightly_smiling_face:


Why the word M•sturbation not censored yet ? @debellator

It is also triggering as the word “■■■■” itself

The writer should take the resposibility to censor triggering words.

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I was also feeling badluck as well until I was doing it. Now I have stopped and badluck went away.


Well well. Look who’s back


Expirienced it. I see it as a combination of:

  1. Myself being more capable and outgoing to be able to come across these good things, good opportunities and use them to my advantage due to increased confidence and energy.
  2. Brain reacting more positively to good things, and less negatively to bad things, and as such making the former stand out significantly more.

Like that usarname in the video console that left years ago and suddenly come back online, I did it as well. I have returned now with all studies done finally, in those months I achive the oposition in my country succesfully and now I can work as medic. So now only remains this addiction and I know that I can’t get over it alone. That is why I am here again, because where once a man was happy, he’ll return to there with a smile on his face.


Same here bro. Broke a 132 day streak this month and since then saw many dark days, more about it in my dairy and some of it I have written in my offline journal.

But each dark day made my resolve to never go back to PMO stronger.

Hoping for a comeback.


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