Babadu's struggle [30 M]

Thank you for bringing this to attention again.

Apart from the obvious, the mistake is counting days with that mindset Luffychwan has given.

My other mistake was adding NoSmoking to my counter. I did well for a while and kept that mindset, but overtime quickly forgot the truth, smoked reset, looked reset, edged reset, pmo… And the rest is a mess of ups and downs, struggles and endless debatable philosophy.

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Everytime we give way to urges we’re effectively reinforcing the addiction and saying “it’s okay, tomorrow I’ll do better” Though we all know tomorrow never comes, it feels comforting to think of it in the former, because it feels like hard work to quit.
But it shouldn’t be hard work, simply a choice which I still grapple with.

Sadly the addicted part of ourselves prefers the struggle because we know we can always relapse and start again, and get support from others in the same place and idolise those with greater streaks, and never have to lift a finger.

I’m writing all this because I’ve been here so long and know Luffychwan is right and want to own that attitude.

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While harsh, this is the truth that most of us need to hear.
Quitting isn’t tough, because all you need to do is to make one decision: that you will never PMO again. That’s all. Any bullshit whining, complaning, bargaining, so-called “withdrawal effects” is just you false wiring going off, trying to signal you back. While I understand that sometimes we lose the battle of temptation because we’ve been rewired so hard (I know for sure I have), after some point you have so tell yourself a proper “I’m a fucking idiot, no more second guesses, it ends now”. And then COMMIT to it. No ifs or buts.
Something that helped me greatly in my current journey so far was from the EasyPeasy guide, which explains how you never really gained anything from PMO in the first place. If there was nothing to gain and all to lose, which sane man would not stop it? And why ever do it again? It’s almost as logical as 1+1.
One day we will all have our last relapse. We will decide to stop, and we will stop. Simple. I wish this for everyone here.