August Challenge | True warrior's decision 🧗🏻‍♂️| Ultimate streak on. [Entries closed]

2nd Relapse

Reason : Just wanted to relax my mind seeing some stuff.

Ultimate Streak is on :zap::zap::zap: :bulb:

My Streak Calendar

August 2022

:white_check_mark: :white_check_mark: :white_check_mark: :x: :white_check_mark: :white_check_mark: :x:

:green_square: :green_square: :green_square: :green_square: :green_square: :green_square: :green_square:

:green_square: :green_square: :green_square: :green_square: :green_square: :green_square: :green_square:

:green_square: :green_square: :green_square: :green_square: :green_square: :green_square: :green_square:

:green_square: :green_square: :green_square:

6 August,2022
To do list for everyday (daily habits)
:heavy_check_mark:- Task/habit done
:x: - Task/habit not done
1.Wake up at 4:40 A.M. :heavy_check_mark:
2.Book reading 30 minutes :x:
3.Exercise :x:
4.Subliminals :x:
5.Pranayam :heavy_check_mark:
6.Eye exercise :x:
7.Meditation :x:
8.Bath and sort my room :heavy_check_mark:
9.Study 7 plus hours :heavy_check_mark: (almost)
10.Socialize with people and be confident/bold while talking :heavy_check_mark:

Bad habits to stop
1.Staring at girl’s bodies when I’m outside :x: (it was a hard day,but still i controlled my eyes as much as i could)
2.Nail biting :x:
3.Phone usage more than 45 minutes :x:
4.Wasting time and procrastinating :x:
5.Overthinking and perfectionism :x:


It’s hard to break someone who never gives up.

Easy to spot a yellow car if you’re thinking of a yellow car.

Easy to spot reasons to be mad if you’re thinking of reasons to be mad.

Easy to spot opportunities if you’re thinking of opportunities.

Easy to spot problems if you’re thinking of problems.

You become what you constantly think.

Nothing is bad unless if you take it bad.

Albert Einstein said: “Failure is a success in progress, a man who never made a mistake never made anything.”

We are all living the same issues, suffering from the same problem. If you think that what you’re facing is something huge then you’re lucky that you are, cause I know many men who suffered from worse problems.

Think of life as a boxing championship;
When you’re opponent gives you a punch, would you stay there, complaining about its pain or would you rise up and fight!!

Think of life as a journey to the top of a mountain;
If you fix your eyes on the top, you will miss the little bumps in the ground, and trip over them because you weren’t paying attention to the little obstacles.
But, If you can just get over each little step you have to make along the way, you will be at the top in time"

Think of life as a Mall, you want to buy some food but you accidentally slipped up and felt down on the ground. I guess you should have paid attention to the sign that says: “ATTENTION” So, do you want to stay on the ground or get up again!!

If you truly want to reach your goal, If you truly want to win, if you change your self and serounding, nothing could stop you from winning.

Do not focus on the top of the mountain trip on the little rocks in your way.

Just win over one day at a time.

You are now free from PMO, don’t say you’re not, freedom is something valuable, something unique, it could only be seen in the eyes of hope and opportunities.

It’s the little obstacles you should watch out from:
Analyze it: what it is, how it start and what caused it, how it’s effecting me…
Look for solution
Do what ever it takes to be free.

Personal advice: Install safe surfer app (it’s a porn blocker app).

If you are s man, if you are a gentleman, you will know what to do.


7 August
No FAP :white_check_mark:
Current streak: 11 Days



  • Learn some concept or technic from cognitive behavioural therapy viz. Cognitive Distortions ( All or Nothing Thinking , Negative Magnification, Should thinking, Mental filters , Labelling etc ). ---- will help you feel less guilt if you feel guilty

  • Learn mental time travel. Or just visualize that you have gone back in time to review what you have done. Who tells we cant change past ? Go to your past time mentally again and again until it affects your future. Go and review your past again and again. Give your past form advices. Talk to your past form ( in school days or when you are not addicted ).

Visualise the following :

You have to do the following visualization in your mind’s eye :-

You have been to the day when you had started watching stuffs for first time. Tell your past form that you are going to do a mistake. Grab the phone from his hand. Hide the phone. Don’t let him use the phone. Talk with him. Spend time with him. Stay with him. Be with him. And come back to future again.

I know we can’t change past. Whole past life exists in our mind. We can change the pictures about our past life that exists in our mind. Does your past exist in reality ? Answer -: No. It exists only in your mind.

  • Practice box breathing, wim hof breathing, cooling breathing,



1 Like

Day 7 check in
C.s. 230 days
Reading 30 minutes
Learning 30 minutes


7 August,2022 :-
To do list for everyday (daily habits)
:heavy_check_mark:- Task/habit done
:x: - Task/habit not done
1.Wake up at 4:40 A.M. :x:
2.Book reading 30 minutes :x:
3.Exercise :heavy_check_mark:
4.Subliminals :x:
5.Pranayam :x:
6.Eye exercise :x:
7.Meditation :x:
8.Bath and sort my room :heavy_check_mark:
9.Study 7 plus hours :x:
10.Socialize with people and be confident/bold while talking :x:

Bad habits to stop
1.Staring at girl’s bodies when I’m outside :x: (it was a hard day,but still i controlled my eyes as much as i could)
2.Nail biting :x:
3.Phone usage more than 45 minutes :heavy_check_mark:
4.Wasting time and procrastinating :x:
5.Overthinking and perfectionism :heavy_check_mark:


Saturday, August 6th, 2022 / 1st day of the Ultimate streak / A NEWBORN :innocent:

:white_check_mark:: DID TODAY AND YESTERDAY.
:ballot_box_with_check:: DID TODAY BUT NOT YESTERDAY.
:heavy_check_mark:: Never done before.

On Saturday I:

[:white_check_mark:] SLEPT ENOUGH.
[:white_check_mark:] EXERCISED.
[:white_check_mark:] MEDITATED.
[:white_check_mark:] WROTE AND READ.
[:white_check_mark:] CLEANED MY ROOM.
[:white_check_mark:] PLAYED THE PIANO.
[:white_check_mark:] LESS THAN 2 HOURS OF SCREEN TIME.
[:white_check_mark:] FAMILY TIME.
[:heavy_check_mark:] Prepared for tomorrow.

Sunday, August 7th, 2022 / 2nd day of the ultimate streak / HOPE AND MOTIVATION :man_climbing:

[:white_check_mark:] SLEPT ENOUGH.
[:ballot_box_with_check:] DRANK ENOUGH WATER
[:ballot_box_with_check:] PRAYED
[:white_check_mark:] EXERCISED.
[:ballot_box_with_check:] ATE HEALTHY FOOD
[:white_check_mark:] MEDITATED.
[:white_check_mark:] WROTE AND READ.
[:white_check_mark:] CLEANED MY ROOM.
[:white_check_mark:] PLAYED THE PIANO.
[:white_check_mark:] LESS THAN 2 HOURS OF SCREEN TIME.
[:white_check_mark:] FAMILY TIME.
[:white_check_mark:] Prepared for tomorrow.



Add me
My code is bt58kx




Priority :
High Priority = :red_circle:
Upper Medium Priority = :orange_circle:
Lower Medium Priority = :yellow_circle:
Low / No priority = :green_circle:
Tomorrow = :arrow_right:

Work Done :white_check_mark: ( Pointable )
Ignored :white_large_square: ( Non-pointable )
Not Done :x: ( Non-pointable )

Morning Block

:white_check_mark: Learn French :red_circle:

:x: Learn Portuguese :orange_circle:

:x: 99 Wim Hof Breathing :red_circle:

:white_check_mark: 50 Kapalabhati breathing :red_circle:

:x: Read 1 page :red_circle:

Day Block

:white_check_mark: Play a sudoku :yellow_circle:

:x: Write affirmation :orange_circle:

:white_check_mark: Drink sufficient water :red_circle:

:white_check_mark: 11 push ups :red_circle:

Evening Block

:white_check_mark: Evening walk :orange_circle:

:x: Mudra :red_circle:

:white_check_mark: Write gratitude :red_circle:

Night Block

:x: Pray God :red_circle:

:x: Plan next day :red_circle:


:x: Yesterday Enough Sleep

:x: Make Bed

Bad Habit :

More Priority = :warning:
Less priority = :fire:

Bad Habit Done = :no_entry_sign: ( Non-pointable )
Bad Habit Avoided :x: ( Pointable )

:white_large_square: Touching Skins :warning:

:x: Social Media ( Pinterest ) :warning:

:white_large_square: Downloaded more than 3 apps :warning:

:white_large_square: Procrastinate :warning:

:x: Sleeping between 8-9 AM in the morning Daily :fire:
:x: PMO / Adult content / Hot :warning:

Points Scored [N/A]

Satisfaction Level [ N/A]

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Yeah No PMO + I did a good habit… So 5 + 2…

For 7th aug… 5 points.



Why don’t u rank people according to point based rank wise?.. Instead of Group 1 to 5…

Point based ranks can motivate guys…


Rewire Companion system does not exept a reply that mentions more than 10 people that’s from where I come up with the idea of groups.

The idea of classing people is good but it will take too much effort for me to always change ranks. Plus, people who are in the last places will feel weak and less motivated unlike the others.

What about the badges, it’s a better idea where each someone has a positive badge from the least to the most amazing badge where there is also marked how many people has it.



First group:

1_ @Surbatingsi - 185 points Pro :beginner:
2_ @Zelus - 1063 points Nofap Legend :medal_sports:
3_ @Vortexkicker - 20 points Nofapper :beginner:
4_ @anon73192546 - 263 points Army Leader :medal_sports:
5_ @mahakaal_bhakt999 - 0 points
6_ @Parker27 - 0 points
7_ @Sherlock221B78 - 15 points Nofapper :beginner:
8_ @Morsal67 - 50 points Nofap Apprentice :beginner:
9_ @AjitSinghrj (hospitalized for a while)
10_ @jibinmoscow15 - 0 points

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Second group:

11_ @jibinmoscow15 - 0 points
12_ @anon30406793 - 34 points Nofapper :beginner:
13_ @GratitudeLon - 0 points
14_ @Plutus - 0 points
15_ @wool - 260 points Army Leader :medal_sports:
16_ @mahakaal_bhakt999 - 0 points
17_ @anon6586404 - 0 points
18_ @TAVNARP - 15 points Official beginner :beginner:
19_ @Stevens - 14 points Official beginner :beginner:
20_ @ki11 - 0 points

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Third group:

21_ @Karz - 50 points Nofap Apprentice :beginner:
22_ @Sujay786 - 62 points. Nofap Apprentice :beginner:
23_ @Clouds26 - 65 points Nofap Apprentice :beginner:
24_ @textmr03 - 9 points Nofapper :beginner:
25_ @beast5789 - 0 points
26_ @SattwikGhosh - 50 points Nofap Apprentice :beginner:
27_ @medicalavatar - 0 points
28_ @yashnofap01 - 184 points Pro :beginner:
29_ @SIDDHANANDA - 31 points Nofapper :beginner:
30_ @nofapagain1986 - 0 points

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Fourth group:

31_ @mrlatte - 0 points
32_ @aboody368 - 0 points
33_ @SigmaGigachad - 55 points Nofap Apprentice :beginner:
34_ @brahmachariboy - 50 points Nofap Apprentice :beginner:
35_ @Camfor - 0 points
36_ @GradatimFerociter4280 - 0 points
37_ @Agent897 - 0 points
38_ @Charus - 14 points Official Beginner :beginner:
39_ @CarnetDeBordMore - 20 points Nofapper :beginner:
40_ @pja50 - 0 points

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5th group:

41_ @zakielfahmi 0 points
42_ @Yari 0 points
43_ @07logan07 0 points
44_ @Ren_Raisy 0 points
45_ @kennethgr8 0 points
46_ @SP6410880 0 points

[Entries open]