Are watching porn consider relapse?

So, in my country there’s been porn leaked. So, as a 13 year old myself i download the porn. I watched it for a few seconds and then i delete it. And then i didn’t realize i just precum. Is it consider relapse?

Yes it is a relapse. You are still very young. Stop porn once for all. It is a horrible thing to do to yourself. Reset your counter and start afresh and have a bright future ahead. God bless


I have reseted my clock, thank you for letting me know. i hope i can get through this hellish phase


Hey rafif, welcome to the community. I’m astonished by the fact that not only a 13yo is aware of ■■■■ being unhealthy but also practicing nofap. You’re doing a great job. I’m curious to know how things are going for a 13 yo in this era of high speed internet pornography being avialable just a click away and how he’s coping up with the extremely sexualized media. I didn’t had access to computer back in the back but my mom had a touch screen phone in which whenever I got time i used fap rigirously. And when i got my first computer i was 16 I guess, oh boy, do I was watching it or it watched me more. Lol day and night I was doing this one thing :point_down:

Now regarding to your query, Athough watching it for once won’t be considered as an actual relapse, but it is not recommended to do it on a regular basis. You don’t need to relapse the counter, but you can follow the same approach that you did during initial stages, considering the fact that you’ve surpassed day 30. If you’re already in the initial days, please follow the instructions ,such keeping a busy schedule nlt staying alome etc., religiously.