Accountability partner needed1

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Sharing code - 2df3gs *

Current streak - 0 days *
Highest streak - 0 days *
Age - 21
Gender - M
Location - india

Why I want a companion - *
I want a company because following lead to fapping with me:-
Being alone
Boring task
Failure and stress

I need accountability partner for three reason
1 no fap
2 study motivation
3 being together in game and real life virtually

Help me please :pleading_face:

All who will join can call each other by the army post such as army rank such as captain general we are warriors fighting :muscle: against our mind :smiling_imp::smiling_imp::smiling_imp:

@saurabh13 Bro i am here with you.

Sharing code - trrk0f

Current streak - 8 days *
Highest streak - 33 days *
Age - 18
Gender - M
Location - India

Why I want a companion -

I like helping my brothers who struggle in this journey.

Bro can I report you after following Time table

Oh okay i will do the same…

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