A weird fact but I do believe it helps

There is a science saying everytime you ejaculate , You lose half of the semen you currently have at that moment. Not exactly half but somewhere between 40 - 60 percent depending upon the sexual arousal of that person. But I would like to take 50 % since its average and calculations are easier.

So the thing is , your semen in your body never gets zero. But when you look in a no fap community where we focus on semen retention as a priority , whenever we relapse we put our streak to zero irrespective our earlier streak.

Whenevr I am in this journey , I do get some serious anxiety that a single relapse destroys all of our gains . Its just like a very big building that can collapse anytime.

So again since no fap focus on semen retention and from semen statistics I said earlier , I believe it would be better if we keep our no fap streak to half every time we relapse.

For eg , If you are 100 streak , If you relapse you get to 50 , further relapse to 25 etc.

I believe this also helps to avoid fap marathon and chaser effect because we still have small hope after relapse.

Just my opinion tho , Anyway I dont regret practising this . I am planning to make this thread to update my streak in that manner.

This is only applicable to MO. But I also want to find a similar method for P too.


As we should. Because whatever the science says(biology specifically), streak is defined by number of clean days so streak is not related to science but simple maths. (I know math is science itself).

But I agree on other things. Progress is still there, just a minor blip.

Instead of fooling ourselves, just admit biology is different to maths and just accept the truth that your progress is not 0, just a small slip up .

Just don’t let chaser effect get us, that should be our mentality.

By not resetting streak to 0, we are being soft. Just my opinion, you can call me a motherfucker for being a little harsh on how streak is counted, no issues.


I like that idealist soldier like mindset. David Goggins really got into you :wink: I respect that.

I do tried that many times. Sometimes it works , Sometimes it dont. So what do we do ? We’ll try to learn as much as mistakes from that by changing mindset , adopting strategies etc. I do believe this works for me. But I do respect your opinion too.

You can call me a softy for not putting it to zero. But one day I will be hard :triumph:. Or to be more accurate , its day one.


Man’s not paying rent for occupying my mind, but I am not complaining.

Just don’t let chaser effect get you, and try to go as far as you can by taking one day at a time.

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It’s not a terrible idea but, as stated by Prince King, you just got to be honest with yourself and your streak. Log everything. Then you have statistics that are truly reflective of what has been going on…

But one thing I have done a few times and may be OK: if you’ve had a relapse at day five and just feel so negative seeing that big, fat ZERO, wait until day ten, then log the reset from five days ago, since then you would just be back at five. A few times, this has helped me avoid the chaser effect - it’s like a promise to yourself to just give yourself a little cushion. But it’s still honoring the position of going back to zero (ultimately).


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