Mantiss Day 0:
Have random thoughts and a small urge, hence ideated and found this app
Now it’s time to get disciplined and show the evil who I really am
Mantiss Day 1:
Early check in : Got up early, doing some chores
Hopefully I will be able to stick to my plan and stay clean, will update later
An update, where I am feeling overwhelmed at work and getting some urges, and I am trying to focus on few small tasks
I could ward off the threats and was able to complete 2 significant tasks, will fight on…
Mantiss Day 2:
It’s a hectic day, but fighting on…
Mantiss Day 3:
Morning check in
It’s all about rewiring and changing the habits
Awaiting what life will throw at me today…
Thanks to the eternal force that has kept me in the side of the positive.
Mantiss Day 4:
Early check in, did many chores
I am vigilant that there is a great chance of the evil creeping into me today…
I will check in again the afternoon with positive report…
It’s positive, relaxed a bit, but started my new task
Mantiss Day 5:
Very tired day, could not get any sleep due to heat and noise
Trying to keep calm and slowly trying to complete my tasks
But I will keep the evil at bay using my full power
Mantiss Day 6
Tired now, but will power on
Mantiss Day 7
A day that was hectic but somehow stayed true…