7 Man Elimination Match

Yo Ladies and gentlemans, i bring to you our common enemy :scream: PMO
Killing this giant devil is not possible for one man alone so 7 contestants are in this ring.
All 7 will fight it for 90 days.IF anyone get caught by PMO and dies (RELAPSES it means who ejaculates finaly after doing sex or masturbation) he will be evicted from the race :motorcycle:
Lets see who will win and who takes runners up trophy :medal_sports::trophy:
And it may also happen if all will fail but again the last person to fail would be the winner. It may also happen that all would survive against PMO for 90 days.All things are possible. :blush:
ALERT: this game is only intented to have healthy completion of our goals and not for any ambarrassment. Take it positively.
So here i present to you our seven Man :muscle:who will enter in this ring to fight against PMO :scream: together.all have almost on their 1st day of this War against PMO.
Let the match begins :checkered_flag::bell::bell:

:loudspeaker::loudspeaker: :postal_horn::postal_horn::postal_horn::postal_horn: :bell::bell:🕭🕭

  • Our first elimination of the match
    came very soon. PMO :smiling_imp: proves too strong. He gave a nasty blow to us all. 6 of the man used their shields and block his attack but Alas ! 1 man lower his guard and sharp sword :dagger: of PMO hits him and he RELAPSED :confounded::face_with_head_bandage::astonished::sob::dizzy_face::scream:
  • @newlife2018 is out of this match.
  • He fights for DAYS 3 until relapsed.!

  • 2nd Elimination of The Match :
    @kamafeo has RELAPSED :worried::face_with_head_bandage::sob::fearful::dizzy_face::scream:
    He was a noble warrior not a peasant. Though old but yet very strong. He fights with the devil for 9 days.Alas ! He paid devil his due. :sob:
    We all should respect and learn from his mistakes.
  • Now only 5 Man have the honour to Deal with the devil :japanese_goblin: lets show him whats we are capable of. Yes we Can and We will crush PMO to the ground.
    Our brothers lives will not be wasted. Lets Rise and Shine brothers. Take your shields and brace your armours. Take your swords. Some work needs to be done.
    Ahhhoooo :facepunch::facepunch::facepunch::facepunch:
    … After 1 more day of bloody fight …
    :bell::bell:🕭🕭 :mega::mega::mega::mega: :postal_horn::postal_horn::postal_horn::postal_horn:
    @vishu has RELAPSED and become a victim of PMO :worried::sob::fearful::dizzy_face::scream::face_with_head_bandage:
    He was on 10th day.
    … I dont have any words now…
  • May The Best Man Wins This Match among remaining 4 contestants :
    … Dont be a bitch … Become a Man
    :bow_and_arrow::bow_and_arrow::bow_and_arrow: ahhhhooo :facepunch::facepunch::facepunch:
    4th,5th & 6th Eliminations :
    @SeeMo @the_alpha_wolf @anon99107742

All relapsed except resurgent on 14th day.

  • Now only one Man standing Alone against Monster is @Resurgent
  • resurgent also relapsed on day 16.
    So none has completed the match. All are equal losers.

:joy: Good luck to the four of you!
We need your sharing codes to watch the competition :blush:


We presently all are on day 1.
When one relapses i will mention it in this post along with his streak.
I couldnt mention others codes without their permission but heres my code 971ff5


You can mention mine…i hve just relapsed…i was not knowing about this compition…so i am out or in?.

e6591a my companion code

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You can keep on with my counter, I resetted it some hours ago because I watched P.
Added you!
My code is 575896

You are in bro but why did you relapsed twice ?

Ya bro… Im in the fight lets see who wins​:joy::joy:

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Ready for the fight.
My code, so everyone can watch our battle, f00824
Brothers, before relapsing, think why do you need to kneel in front of PMO. Find a very strong reason, write it here, and wait until any of us give you permision to leave the fight. If you don’t have a strong reason, it is just you feel in the mood, don’t be stupid, stop thinking in relapsing.
YOU AND ME :facepunch::facepunch::facepunch::facepunch::facepunch:


In this match
India @anon66785751 1
India @the_alpha_wolf 1
India @vishu 1
Spain @kamafeo 1
? @SeeMo 0

Correct me if I made any mistake or you want to represent another country.

Please, @SeeMo tell us your country. And don’t keep back, no more relapses, at least in 90 days.

Any of us can copy and paste actualizing times.

Be proud of your country, don’t fail to the country you represent in this match.


Bro @kamafeo i m from india…i am not giving up this time… i wont let you guyz…now see my power😎


OK, so an Indian team with a Spanish signing. I have been in India and have many conetions with you friends. This team is ready for the victory. Focus and be strong.


India @vishu 2
India @anon66785751 1
India @the_alpha_wolf 1
Spain @kamafeo 1
India @SeeMo 0

I only have you 4 in my companion list, I deleted all others. I’m going to focus on this match, so don’t fail any of you.


This BATTLE will be fought very HARD and its gonna be for sure longer than the BATTLE OF KUREKSHETRA of mahabharta.
I dont want to be defeated before all of you.
I must at least give a PILE DRIVER POWER BOMB to PMO :scream: first.
Indians always fight till the end. You will find out it as the days passes by.
And my friend from spain. Vamos rafa . May he win this australian open title.


I have realized we are five, like the pandavas in Mahabharata. Let’s win this battle Brothers.


@kamafeo…please give me your companion code…@vishu you also share your companion code

That is it f00824 brother

India @vishu 2
Spain @kamafeo 2
India @anon66785751 1
India @the_alpha_wolf 1
India @SeeMo 0

23a788… Here it is bro

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Done guyz…added you both…now lets see who wins…and what will happen if all of us completes 90 days…and no one relapsed…thn who is the winner @anon66785751

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