50 days of no fap ๐Ÿ™

50 days of no fap, to some, it meams nothing, but to me it is worth celebrating, If this comes across your timeline, just llike it to encourage me to push further.


Absolutely :star_struck:!

Congo for the half century :fire::fire::tada:!


Thank you, no doubt i have felt so many benefits

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May you tell me some of the major benefits that you have experienced! Ik others can also feel your energy after reading Samaranjayโ€™s post.

  1. increases confidence
  2. low level of stress and anxiety
  3. higher quality of the sperm
  4. Better sleep
  5. It bring happiness
  6. muscle growths
  7. it change the view upon this things like sex , porn etc .
  8. It bring clarity in mind
  9. you less think about porn and sex
  10. improved attitude and appreciation towards the opposite sex.
  11. High energy and stamina level.

How do you know your sperm quality has improved ? I mean without seeing your semen you canโ€™t say your sperm quality is improved (doctor check up excluded)

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It is natural, if you donโ€™t masturbate and relapse, sperm accumulates, and bear in mind that sperms mature between 64 to 75 days.


I m talking about sperm quality not quantity. Anyway leave it.
You are going great. Keep Going with your Streak :maple_leaf:


I answered your question, the quality of sperm is as a result of accumulation, hence i indicated that for your sperm to have quality, you practice semen retention and allow it for 64 days. Then you sperm is healthy and the quality is mature for pregnancy.

The quality of sperm helps in your children having your full DNA and they looks like you in total resemblance.

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