[32 M] Give Me Back the Feeling of Excitement! ⚠️TRIGGER WARNING⚠️


I think it may be too much for all this at once. As much as I would like to better myself, my job and exams don’t care about my well being to the extent of nofap


I think that’s what it’s going to be. I still want to continue you on this journey but I think right now is not ideal.

I am beginning my career in accounting, which it begins to get busy following into April.

I am also working on my CPA certification which is really intense. I have 2/4 exams complete and I have to complete by March 2021.

It was intense to study for these exams when I was not working. It was basically my job to study. I can only imagine what it will be in the next coming months.

After at least some of this blows over, I want to get back in line of this journey. This is just not a priority for me right now.


@FlowForCourage @Not_Ricardo
Yeah, I agree. Hence I said it’s your choice. While I do not think masturbation or ■■■■ is a good way to relieve tension, I do agree that exams are more important. I’m preparing for pre-med exams at the moment, so I know all about the stress and the tendency to fap.

Also, I had spoken about ■■■■, not masturbation.

While I know from experience noFap aids studies, I do agree that the final results are most important right now, so you can take a break from noFap now, I guess, but it would still be advisable to avoid ■■■■ as much as possible, if not completely.



Yes I’m utilizing porn on occasion, but nowhere near as much as I had been a few months back. If anything, I see may be a stepping to off porn completely, by taking in less and less over time instead of going from 100 to 0 in one day


@Not_Ricardo… Dude, you stopped writing… How is life going on?. How is your preparation for exams going? Do tell.


Hello, I took a break for awhile and let myself run loose for awhile

Since January, I have started working full-time at an accounting firm. We’re very busy and very stressed up until April; that paired with learning how to navigate new software was too much too focus. I could barely focus on anything. Would visit SugarMama on occasion because that was a less than 3-hour encounter including driving. Things at work are starting to level out now.

I saw Moana and Janice a few times. Nothing out of the ordinary, still have bad ED and still taking Cialis.

About 66% through my study material for exam no. 3 of 4. Exam no. 3 is scheduled for Sept 11.

Now here’s the wild card (and partially why I’m here). I met this gal, a woman MY AGE (Bridget). She wants something longterm; I responded I want longterm with the right person. I told her everything, the women, the ED, the everything… she seems right for me :wink:. To prove to her I am serious, I told her 50 dates before sex… it’s been 3 dates so far and still haven’t kissed her. This “normal” dating is so foreign to me, but like it so far.

That’s all about what has happened in the past 7 months.

Thank you @NeverGiveup420 and everyone who has previously showed me support.

As for now - Day 0 Vx5


Its good to know that you are improving. Best of luck. I am sure you will find cure and satisfaction.
Take care

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Day 1 Vx5

It’s been almost 24 hours. Been up for about 20 hours where most of my time was spent either studying or working… nothing exciting :grimacing:

I talked to Bridget on the phone for a bit this morning. Just a genuine conversation with her makes me fulfilled. Also I know if I don’t stick to this, it’ll make the real thing more difficult… but at least I still have my drugs when the opportunity comes :upside_down_face:


Listen to me just do “anulom vilom” everyone in India does it search!!. It helps with everything from mental disabilities to blood flow better hair skin eyes and yes erectile dysfunction. If done for 10 mins for 20 days you’ll get your hardons back.


Thanks for your input @2345. I’ll will look into that


Day 2 Vx5

It’s been 48 hours. No urges… this is not normal… or maybe what i want is different…

I talked on the phone with Bridget and talked about general goals we want. Didn’t mention this issue, but she is aware of it.

I feel like she keeps me in check. I’m not in the best situation, but she chooses to keep me around. So let’s make progress every day!

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Please do i really mean it. The first time i did it i got morning erections back. Its a breathing technique. If you cant find it tell me I’ll help you

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Day 3 Vx5

Attempted anulom vilom breathing this morning. Four cycles of 7 breathes through my nostrils, inhaling through one nostril and exhaling through the other. Alternated which nostril I began with every cycle… didn’t notice any change, but will continue.

Still going strong, but still haven’t gotten hard in the past 3 days. I want that back!


Day 4 Vx5

Had real rough start to the day, slept in and didn’t get much done at work. Had a date with Bridget and had a lot of fun. Neither of us had a drop of alcohol, just a bit of Pepsi/Coke.

Night ended with us laying in a hammock on her patio. Most action that happened a bit of closed mouth kissing and hand holding… under “normal” circumstances I would way past this by date no.5, but there’s something about this one. Crazy thing is I caught myself hard from this PG-13 intamacy - I think it’s working; it’s all working.

Let’s not stop now!


Day 5 Vx5

Didn’t think I would get to day 5 with such ease. I think just having the presence a female presence of interest around helps keep any urges at bay.

So far, so good. Let’s keep it up!

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Day 6 Vx5:

Cant believe it’s has almost been a week!

I feel like my will is so strong now. I feel like it can be dangled right in front of me and be meh about it.

My original plan while I abstain from Bridget for our First 50 dates was to get in one last hurrah before I bid farewell to my bodies. I decided to turn it up a notch and say goodbye to that life without one last time. No would have known if I did, except for me… and this is all for me

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Great you found anulom vilom. Just remember to go easy with it


Day 7 Vx5

It’s been one week, and this has probably been the easiest one week I’ve done so far.

I think for me, what urges me is a balance of physical sex & emotion:

  • If I have no emotional connection, I require more sex to feel whole… only to feel empty again; the process is a vicious circle
  • If I have an emotional connection, I can make do minimal sex

2020 broke me to get into stuff I don’t think would have happened otherwise. This First 50 Dates challenge I set myself up for is probably my most fulfilling experience I have done besides going back to school

Cheers to another week!

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Day 10 Vx5

It’s been ten days, 10 days! I lost track of the days. No urges to pull up porn.

I wish I had a more exciting story for the past few days, but it’s just been studying and work. Unless I have something interesting happen or have an episode, it’ll probably just be me every few days flexing my numbers

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Day 15 Vx5

Yesterday I had officially bidded farewell to last one of the older women I was seeing casually, without one more time. I’m stronger than that.

Today Bridget said she doesn’t think we’re compatible intimately. I told her whether we decide to continue forward or not, I’m putting that lifestyle behind me. I didn’t change for her, I changed for me.

I have averaged about 1 drink per week, not per day. I believe this has put me in a more conscious mindset, less likely to make poor decisions.

Cutting out porn and meaningless sex has reset my sex drive. Haven’t done much with Bridget, but just her touch excites. Before I would have to score a homerun and would still have trouble staying hard.

So now I have no sex partners, limited drinking, and possibly no “girlfriend”… and I don’t see this getting anymore challenging… let’s stay on this path


4 months ago my 3-years-relation girlfriend broke up with me. But she kept on talking to me. In a matter of days we made amends. She told me she was confused and didn’t know how to cope with the situation.

So maybe, in case both wants, you both can make amends. During this social distancing times is very difficult to quit any relationship

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